India Districts

Segment the 640 districts from the India 2011 Census based on demographics

Data contact: Somenath Sit

This dataset has 38 columns and 640 rows.
The preview is meant for you to glance at the data and understand it.
This view shows all columns and the first 100 rows.

This dataset has 3 pre-defined segments. Select which segment you wish to cluster.

Choose one or more of these pre-defined feature groups to cluster by.

Basic demographics
High-level demographic information about districts
Total population, People per household, Rural %, Female %, Literacy %, SC+ST %, Workers %, High purchasing power %, Married households %
Religion penetration
Proportion of district population for various religions
Hindu %, Muslim %, Christian %, Sikh %, Buddhist %
Asset ownership
Proportion of households that own various assets
Electric lighting %, Computers %, Internet %, 2-wheeler ownership %, 4-wheeler ownership %, Radio ownership %, Telephone ownership %, Mobile penetration %, TV ownership %, Bathing facility %, Latrine facility %
Development indices
Three indices: Education leads to Skilled Labour leads to Purchasing Power
Education index, Skill index, Purchasing power index

Choose individual features you want to cluster by. You should pick the features that will have the highest impact on your problem area. You can select between 2 – 40 features.

Please correct these

Choose the algorithm you want to use for clustering. If you're unsure, try them one by one.

To override the default number of clusters, pick a value. (Leave it blank for the optimal default.)

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