import os import json import random import tornado.gen import tornado.httpclient import datetime import sqlalchemy import pandas as pd from gramex.config import CustomJSONEncoder from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt from urllib.parse import urlencode def create_user_database(url, table, user, password, salt, excel): # Connect to the SQLAlchemy engine specified at url. # For example, this could be sqlite:///auth.db engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url, encoding='utf-8') # In the Gramex guide, we're using an sqlite3 database and Excel file. # If the target folder doesn't exist, make sure we create it. for path in (engine.url.database, excel): folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) # This method re-creates the user table each time. # The table must have: # a column for the username (typically called user) # a column for the password (typically called password) # and any other optional columns (here, we're adding email and role) # We're using sha256_crypt as the password hash. # Email IDs used are,, etc email = '' data = pd.DataFrame( [ ['alpha', sha256_crypt.encrypt('alpha', salt=salt), email % 'alpha', 'admin manager'], ['beta', sha256_crypt.encrypt('beta', salt=salt), email % 'beta', 'manager employee'], ['gamma', sha256_crypt.encrypt('gamma', salt=salt), email % 'gamma', 'employee'], ['delta', sha256_crypt.encrypt('delta', salt=salt), email % 'delta', None], ], columns=[user, password, 'email', 'role'], ) data.to_sql(table, engine, index=False, if_exists='replace') data.to_excel(excel, index=False) # noqa - encoding not required def store_value(handler): # B311: we're not using randint for cryptographic use -- it's to demonstrate session storage handler.session.setdefault('randkey', random.randint(0, 1000)) # nosec B311 # noqa: S311 return json.dumps(handler.session, indent=4, cls=CustomJSONEncoder) async_http_client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient() @tornado.gen.coroutine def contacts(handler): days = int(handler.get_argument('days', '30')) start = - datetime.timedelta(days=days) result = yield async_http_client.fetch( '' + urlencode( { 'updated-min': start.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), 'max-results': 500, 'alt': 'json', } ), headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + handler.session.get('google_access_token', '')}, ) try: contacts = json.loads(result.body)['feed'] data = {'contacts': contacts.get('entry', [])} except json.JSONDecodeError as e: data = {'error': repr(e)} raise tornado.gen.Return(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) def signup_validate(handler, args): # TODO Nikhil: Provide Sample validation # What if user return dict/list/tuple? return False