--- title: FileHandler renders files prefix: FileHandler icon: filehandler.png desc: FileHandler renders files by: TeamGramener type: microservice ... [TOC] [Video](https://youtu.be/4EAArVzmyGo){.youtube} [gramex.yaml](../gramex.yaml.source) uses the [FileHandler][filehandler] to display files. For example, this page is rendered by a Markdown file using the following configuration: ```yaml url: markdown: pattern: /$YAMLURL/(.*) # Any URL under the current gramex.yaml folder handler: FileHandler # uses this handler kwargs: path: $YAMLPATH # Serve files from this YAML file's directory default_filename: README.md # using README.md as default index: true # List files if README.md is missing ``` Any file under the current folder is shown as is. If a directory has a `README.md`, that is shown by default. `$YAMLURL` is replaced by the current URL's path (in this case, `/filehandler/`) and `$YAMLPATH` is replaced by the directory of `gramex.yaml`. **Note**: Gramex comes with a `default` URL handler that automatically serves files from the home directory of your folder. To prevent that, override the `default` pattern: ```yaml url: default: # This overrides the default URL handler pattern: ... ``` ## Default FileHandler Even with an empty `gramex.yaml`, Gramex uses a default FileHandler. It does the following: 1. If there's a [`default.template.html` or `default.tmpl.html`](#default-filename), it renders it as a HTML [template](#templates) 2. Else if there's an [`index.html`](#default-filename), it renders as a HTML file (not a template) 3. Else it shows a [directory listing of all files/folders](#directory-listing) 4. It compiles [`.sass` and `.scss`](#sass) files to CSS and renders them 5. It compiles [`.ts`](#typescript) files to JavaScript and renders them 6. It compiles [`.vue`](#vue) single-file components to JavaScript and renders them 7. It compiles `.template.html` and `.tmpl.html` as [templates](#templates) and renders them 8. It [caches on the browser](../cache/#browser-caching) for 60 seconds, but files under - `assets/` and `favicon.ico` are cached for 1 day - `node_modules/` are cached for 10 years [See the default FileHandler configuration](https://github.com/gramener/gramex/blob/master/gramex/gramex.yaml). To override this, add a FileHandler called `default:` in your `gramex.yaml`. For example: ```yaml url: default: kwargs: index: false # Disable indices headers: Cache-Control: max-age=0 # Disable browser caching ``` ## Default filename When a FileHandler points to a directory: - If `default_filename:` is specified and exists, it renders that file - Else, if `index: true`, it [lists files in the directory](#directory-listing) - Else, it throws an error You can override `default_filename:` to specify one or more filenames. For example: ```yaml url: default-filehandler: pattern: /$YAMLURL/(.*) handler: FileHandler kwargs: path: $YAMLPATH/directory/ default_filename: - default.template.html # Serve this as a template, if it exists - index.html # Else serve this as HTML - README.md # Else serve this as Markdown to HTML ``` FileHandler checks the files in the order specified in the `default_filename:` The first file that exists is rendered. ## Directory listing [Video](https://youtu.be/vc6gj1ZFjMo){.youtube} `index: true` lists all files in the directory if the [`default_filename`](#default-filename) is missing. To customize the directory listing, specify `index_template: filename`. This file will be shown as HTML, with `$path` replaced by the directory's absolute path, and `$body` replaced by a list of all files in that directory. For example, ```yaml url: static: pattern: /$YAMLURL/static/(.*) # Any URL starting with /static/ handler: FileHandler # uses this handler kwargs: path: $YAMLPATH/static/ # Serve files from static/ default_filename: index.html # using index.html as default index: true # List files if index.html is missing index_template: $YAMLPATH/template.html # Use template.html to list directory ``` Here is a trivial `template.html`: ```html



``` `index: false` disables directory listing. To disable it for the **default** FileHandler, use: ```yaml url: default: # This is a special name for the default Gramex FileHandler handler: FileHandler kwargs: index: false # Disable directory listing here ``` ## File Patterns [Video](https://youtu.be/h7a-TthAsjY){.youtube} You can map any URL for any file. For example, to map the file `filehandler/data.csv` to the URL `/filehandler/data`, use this configuration: ```yaml pattern: /$YAMLURL/filehandler/data # The URL /filehandler/data handler: FileHandler # uses this handler kwargs: path: $YAMLPATH/filehandler/data.csv # and maps to this file ``` You can also map regular expressions to file patterns. For example, to add a `.yaml` extension automatically to a path, use: ```yaml url: yaml-extensions: pattern: /$YAMLURL/yaml/(.*) # yaml/anything handler: FileHandler kwargs: path: $YAMLPATH/*.yaml # becomes anything.yaml, replacing the * here ``` For example, [yaml/gramex](yaml/gramex) actually renders [gramex.yaml](gramex.yaml.source). To replace `.html` extension with `.yaml`, use: ```yaml url: replace-html-with-yaml: pattern: /$YAMLURL/(.*)\\.html # Note the double backslash instead of single backslash handler: FileHandler kwargs: path: $YAMLPATH/*.yaml # The part in brackets replaces the * here ``` For more complex mappings, use a dictionary of regular expression mappings: ```yaml url: mapping: pattern: /$YAMLURL/node/((foo|bar)/.*) # match /node/foo/... and node//bar/... handler: FileHandler kwargs: path: # If path: is a dict, it's treated as a mapping "foo/": $YAMLPATH/foo.html # /node/foo/ -> foo.html "bar/": $YAMLPATH/bar.html # /node/bar/ -> bar.html "foo/(.*)": $YAMLPATH/foo/{0}.html # /node/foo/x -> foo/x.html "bar/(?P.*)": $YAMLPATH/bar/{file}.html # /node/bar/x -> bar/x.html ".*": $YAMLPATH/default.html # anything else -> default.html ``` The mapping has keys that are regular expressions. They must match the part of the URL in brackets. (If there are multiple brackets, it matches the first one.) Values are file paths. They are formatted as string templates using the regular expression match groups and URL query parameters. So: - `{0}` matches the first capture group (in brackets, like `(.*)`), `{1}` matches the second capture group, etc. - `{file}` matches the named capture group `(?P.*)`, etc - If there's a URL query parameter `?file=`, the first value that replaces `{file}` -- but only if there is no such named capture group When using URL query parameters, you should provide default values in case the request does not pass the parameter. You can do this using `default:` ```yaml url: mapping: pattern: /$YAMLURL/ # Home page handler: FileHandler kwargs: path: # If path: is a dict, it's treated as a mapping "": $YAMLPATH/{dir}/{file}.{ext} # /?dir=foo&file=bar&ext=txt -> foo/bar.txt default: dir: "" # ?dir= is the default file: index # ?file=index is the default ext: html # ?ext=html is the default ``` If you want to map a subset of files to a folder, you can mark them in the pattern. For example, this configuration maps `/style.css` and `/script.js` to the home directory. To ensure that this takes priority over others, you can add a higher value to the `priority` (which defaults to 0.) ```yaml url: assets: pattern: /(style.css|script.js) # Any of these to URLs priority: 2 # Give it a higher priority handler: FileHandler # uses this handler kwargs: path: . # Serve files from / ``` This can work across directories as well. For example, this maps the `static` and `bower_components` and specifies a 1-day expiry for any files under them. ```yaml url: static-files: # Any file under the current directory, starting with bower_components/ # or with static/ is mapped to a FileHandler pattern: /$YAMLURL/(bower_components/.*|static/.*) handler: FileHandler kwargs: path: $YAMLPATH/ # Base is the current directory headers: Cache-Control: public, max-age=86400 # Cache publicly for 1 day ``` ## Caching See how to cache [static files](../cache/#static-files) ## Redirecting files See [File patterns](#file-patterns) ## Ignore files To prevent certain files from ever being served, specify the `handlers.FileHandler.ignore` setting. By default, this is: ```yaml handlers: FileHandler: ignore: - gramex.yaml # Always ignore gramex.yaml in Filehandlers - ".*" # Hide dotfiles ``` The `gramex.yaml` file and all files beginning with `.` will be hidden by default. You can change the above setting in your `gramex.yaml` file. For example: ```yaml handlers: FileHandler: ignore: - ".*" # Protect dot-files - they are usually meant to be hidden - "*.git*" # Protect .gitignore, .gitattributes, etc - they list filenames - "*.git/*" # Protect all files under the .git/ repo - they have code history - "*.yaml" # Protect YAML files - they list all URLs ``` You can customize this further for each handler via the `allow:` and `ignore:` configurations. For example: ```yaml url: my-app-files: pattern: /$YAMLURL/(.*) handler: FileHandler kwargs: path: . ignore: - "*.xls*" # Ignore all Excel files allow: - public.xlsx # But allow public.xlsx ``` Now `public.xlsx` is accessible. But `something-else.xlsx` will raise a HTTP 403 error. The log reports `Disallow: "something-else.xlsx". It matches "*.xls*"`. If you import [deploy.yaml](../deploy/#security), FileHandler blocks all files except specific white-listed exceptions. ## MIME types [Video](https://youtu.be/wPDo7CEECs4){.youtube} The URL will be served with the MIME type of the file. CSV files have a MIME type `text/csv` and a `Content-Disposition` set to download the file. You can override these headers: ```yaml pattern: /filehandler/data handler: FileHandler kwargs: path: filehandler/data.csv headers: Content-Type: text/plain # Display as plain text Content-Disposition: none # Do not download the file ``` To convert a file type into an attachment, use: ```yaml pattern: /filehandler/data handler: FileHandler kwargs: path: filehandler/data.txt headers: Content-Type: text/plain Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=data.txt # Save as data.txt ``` From **v1.23.1**, to serve different files with different MIME types, use file patterns: ```yaml pattern: /$YAMLURL/(.*) handler: FileHandler kwargs: path: $YAMLPATH headers: Content-Type: text/plain # Default header "*.json": # Override headers on .json files Content-Type: application/json "json/**" # Override headers on json/ directory Content-Type: application/json ``` ## Templates [Video](https://youtu.be/0kzphobMQnU){.youtube} FileHandler uses [Tornado templates][template] to generate content from data. For example, this `page.tmpl.html` renders 10 images: ```text {% for id in range(1, 10) %} {% end %} ``` The default, any file that ends with `.tmpl.html` or `.template.html` is rendered as a template. You can specify amy file patterns using `template: patterns`. For example: ```yaml url: template: pattern: ... handler: FileHandler kwargs: path: ... template: ["template*.html", "*.tmpl.html", "*.svg"] ``` ::: example href=template source="https://github.com/gramener/gramex-guide/blob/master/filehandler/template.html" Template example ### Template syntax Templates can use all variables in the [template syntax][template-syntax]. This includes: - `handler`: the current request handler object - all [Tornado handler attributes](../handlers/#tornado-handler-attributes), like `handler.request.uri`, `handler.current_user`, etc. - ... and [BaseHandler attributes](../handlers/#basehandler-attributes), like `handler.args` - a dict of lists containing the URL query parameters - `request`: alias for `handler.request` - `current_user`: alias for `handler.current_user` ### Sub-templates Templates import sub-templates using `{% include path/to/template.html %}`. - The path is **relative** to the parent template. - **Variables** from the template are available to the sub-template. For example: ```text {% set title, menu = 'App name', ['Home', 'Dashboard'] %} {% include path/relative/to/template/navbar.html %} ``` ### Dynamic sub-templates Use `{{ gramex.cache.open(file) }}` if `file` is a variable. For example: ```text Insert {user}.txt: {% set user = handler.current_user.id %} {% raw gramex.cache.open(f'{user}.txt', rel=True) %} Insert {user}.md after converting to HTML: {% raw gramex.cache.open(f'{user}.md', rel=True) %} Render {user}.html as a Tornado template, passing a `user` variable: {% raw gramex.cache.open(f'{user}.html', rel=True).generate(user=handler.current_user) %} ``` See [gramex.cache.open()](../api/cache/#gramex.cache.open) for more formats options. `rel=True` loads the file relative to the **template** path. ### UI Modules Templates import [modules](https://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/guide/templates.html#ui-modules) using `{% module Template('path/to/template.html', **kwargs) %}`. For example: ```text Import navbar.html in-place as a template. {% module Template('path/relative/to/filehandler/navbar.html', title='App name', menu=['Home', 'Dashboard']) %} ``` Note: - The path is relative to the FileHandler root path (which may be different from the parent template location) - Parent template variables are NOT available in the sub-template. Only the passed kwargs are available. ### Redirecting templates To redirect to a page (e.g. `new_url`) from a template, add this code: ```html {% set handler.redirect(new_url) %} {% set handler.include_body = False %} {% set return b'' %} ``` 1. `handler.redirect(new_url)` redirects to `new_url` 2. `handler.include_body = False` prevents FileHandler from rendering any returned text 3. `return b''` returns immediately with an empty bytestring -- avoiding rendering the rest of the template Or you can create a `utils.py` that has a `redirect_template() like this: ```python import tornado.gen def redirect_template(handler, new_url): handler.redirect(new_url) handler.include_body = False raise tornado.gen.Return(b'') ``` ... and call it in your template: ```html {% import utils %} {% set utils.redirect_template(handler, new_url) %} ``` ## SASS [Video](https://youtu.be/ryYjE5R9yX4){.youtube} FileHandler can compile [SCSS files](http://sass-lang.com/). The default FileHandler compiles any `.scss` or `.sass` file is compiled into CSS. For example, this `color.scss` file: ```scss $color: red !default; body { background-color: lighten($color, 40%); } ``` ... [is rendered as](color.scss): ```css body { background-color: #fcc; } ``` ::: example href=color.scss source="https://github.com/gramener/gramex-guide/blob/master/filehandler/color.scss" See color.scss To enable this in your FileHandler, add: ```yaml kwargs: ... sass: '*.scss, *.sass' # Compile SCSS and SASS files into CSS ``` URL query parameters are automatically passed as variables to the SASS file. For example, `color.scss?color=green` sets `$color: green`. ::: example href=color.scss?color=blue source="https://github.com/gramener/gramex-guide/blob/master/filehandler/color.scss" See `color.scss?color=blue` You can use this to allow users to customize your theme. You can also pass a `?@import=path/to/filename.sass` to include a file in the SASS file. This SASS file path must be relative to the requested SASS file or the directory Gramex is running in. ## TypeScript FileHandler can compile [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/). The default FileHandler compiles any `.ts` file into JS. For example, this `typescript.ts` file: ```ts type WindowStates = "open" | "closed" | "minimized"; function getLength(obj: WindowStates | WindowStates[]) { return obj.length; } ``` ... [is rendered as](typescript.ts): ```js function getLength(obj) { return obj.length; } //# sourceMappingURL=typescript.ts?map ``` ::: example href=typescript.ts source="https://github.com/gramener/gramex-guide/blob/master/filehandler/typescript.ts" See typescript.ts To enable this in your FileHandler, add: ```yaml kwargs: ... ts: '*.ts' # Compile .ts files into JS ``` Gramex uses [esbuild](https://esbuild.github.io/api/) to compile TypeScript. The following options are supported: - [`?format=`](https://esbuild.github.io/api/#format): `iife` (default) or `esm` - ` ``` ... [is rendered as](hello-world.vue): ```js (function(t){var e={};function n(r){if(e[r]) /* JS contents trimmed */ ``` ::: example href=hello-world.vue source="https://github.com/gramener/gramex-guide/blob/master/filehandler/hello-world.vue" See hello-world.vue To enable this in your FileHandler, add: ```yaml kwargs: ... vue: '*.vue' # Compile .vue files into JS ``` ## XSRF [Video](https://youtu.be/2_rogB8UzXQ){.youtube} If you're submitting forms using the POST method, you need to submit an [\_xsrf][xsrf] field that has the value of the `_xsrf` cookie. **When using HTML forms**, you can include it in the template using handlers' built-in `xsrf_token` property: ```html
``` To render a file as a template, use: ```yaml url: template: pattern: /page # The URL /page handler: FileHandler # displays a file kwargs: path: page.html # named page.html template: true # Render as a template ``` [xsrf]: http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/guide/security.html#cross-site-request-forgery-protection **When using AJAX**, **v1.85** onwards, no XSRF token is required, because Gramex checks for this automatically. 1. XMLHttpRequest (e.g. via jQuery.post, jQuery.ajax, etc) automatically sends an `X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest` header for AJAX. 2. [Fetch](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch) automatically adds [Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Fetch_metadata_request_header) headers **When submitting from a server**, add either of these headers to bypass the check, like this: ```python import requests requests.post('http://example.org/page', headers={'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'}) requests.post('http://example.org/page', headers={'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors'}) ``` You can disable XSRF for a specific handler like this: ```yaml url: name: pattern: ... # When this page is visited, handler: ... # no matter what the handler is, kwargs: xsrf_cookies: false # Disable XSRF cookies ``` You can disable XSRF for _all handlers_ like this (but this is **not recommended**): ```yaml app: settings: xsrf_cookies: false ``` For debugging without XSRF, start Gramex with a `--settings.xsrf_cookies=false` from the command line. The XSRF cookie is automatically set when a FileHandler [template](#templates) accesses `handler.xsrf_token`. You can also set it explicitly, by adding a `set_xsrf: true` configuration to `kwargs` like this: ```yaml url: name: pattern: ... # When this page is visited, handler: ... # no matter what the handler is, kwargs: ... set_xsrf: true # set the xsrf cookie ``` How XSRF works: - Tornado sets a random non-expiring `_xsrf` cookie when `tornado.web.RequestHandler.xsrf_token()` is called. It is `httponly` by default in Gramex because of the default `xsrf_cookie_kwargs` setting, but not set to `secure` to allow HTTP sites to access it - Checks if the `_xsrf` GET/POST argument (or the `X-Xsrftoken` or `C-Xsrftoken` headers) is a valid XSRF token, and checks that it matches the cookie value ## FileHandler HTTP methods [Video](https://youtu.be/S86H9FxClYY){.youtube} By default FileHandler supports `GET`, `HEAD` and `POST` methods. You can map any of the following methods to the file using the `methods:` configuration as follows: ```yaml url: name: pattern: ... handler: FileHandler kwargs: ... methods: [GET, HEAD, POST, DELETE, PATCH, PUT, OPTIONS] ``` ## File concatenation [Video](https://youtu.be/opBiI7LJNns){.youtube} You can concatenate multiple files and serve them as a single file. For example: ```yaml ... pattern: /libraries.js handler: FileHandler kwargs: path: - bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js - bower_components/bootstrap/dist/bootstrap.min.js - bower_components/d3/d3.v3.min.js headers: Cache-Control: public, max-age=86400 # Cache publicly for 1 day ``` This concatenates all files in `path` in sequence. If transforms are specified, the transforms are applied before concatenation. This is useful to pack multiple static files into one, as the example shows. [filehandler]: https://gramener.com/gramex/guide/api/handlers/#gramex.handlers.FileHandler [template]: http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/template.html [template-syntax]: http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/guide/templates.html#template-syntax ## Transforming content Use `transform:` to apply functions before rendering the content. [Templates](#templates), [SASS](#sass), [Vue](#vue) and [TypeScript](#typescript) use this feature behind the scenes. Any function can be used to transform. For example, this renders `.md` or `.markdown` files as HTML using [python-markdown](https://python-markdown.github.io/reference/): ```yaml # ... contd ... transform: "*.md, *.markdown": # Any file matching .md or .markdown function: markdown.markdown(content, output_format='html5', extensions=['extra']) encoding: utf-8 # Read input file as UTF-8 headers: # Use these HTTP headers: Content-Type: text/html # MIME type: text/html ``` Transform keys matches one or more [glob patterns](https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.Path.glob) separated by space/comma (e.g. `'*.md, 'data/**'`.) Transform values are dicts that accepts these keys: - **function**: The expression to return. Example: `function: mymodule.transform(content, handler)`. - `content` has the file contents - `handler` has the FileHandler object - **encoding**: The encoding to read the file with, e.g. `utf-8`. If `None` (the default), the file is read as bytes, and the transform `function` MUST accept the content as bytes - **headers**: HTTP headers for the response ## Configure all FileHandlers Gramex adds the following kwargs to **all** FileHandlers for security reasons, [ignoring these files](#ignore-files): 1. Any `gramex.yaml` files (`gramex*.yaml`) 2. Any files beginning with `.` (`.*`) 3. Any Python files (`.py*`) To modify this, update `handlers.FileHandler` in your `gramex.yaml`. For example: ```yaml handlers: FileHandler: ignore: - gramex*.yaml # Always ignore gramex config files - ".*" # Hide dotfiles - "*.py*" # Hide Python scripts - "*secret*" # Ignore all secret files allow: - "README.*" # Always allow README files, even README.secret ``` [See the default FileHandler configuration](https://github.com/gramener/gramex/blob/master/gramex/gramex.yaml).