import time import tornado from gramex.transforms import handler from math import factorial from numpy import prod from typing import List def total(*items): '''Calculate total of all items''' return sum(float(item) for item in items) def add(handler): '''Add all values of ?x=''' args = handler.argparse(x={'nargs': '*', 'type': float}) return sum(args.x) def slow(handler): '''Show values of ?x=1 with a 1-second delay''' args = handler.argparse(x={'nargs': '*'}) for value in args.x: time.sleep(1) yield 'Calculated: %s\n' % value async_http_client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient() @tornado.gen.coroutine def fetch_body(url): '''Fetches the body of a URL. As a coroutine, this returns a Future''' result = yield async_http_client.fetch(url) raise tornado.gen.Return(result.body) def fetch(handler): '''Yields a series of Futures that resolve to httpbin URLs''' args = handler.argparse(x={'nargs': '*'}) # Initiate the requests futures = [fetch_body('' % x) for x in args.x] # Yield the futures one by one for future in futures: yield future @handler def combinations(n: int, k: int) -> int: '''combinations(10, 4) -> no. of ways to pick 4 objects from 10 ignoring order''' return factorial(n) / factorial(k) / factorial(n - k) @handler def multiply(v: List[int]): return prod(v)