A unique ID for the visualisation, used in the link
Title displayed on top of the application
DB Type

Combined State Andhra Pradesh % Increase AP Fiscal Deficit Telangana % Increase.1 TS Fiscal Deficit
161348.0 93582 nan 12255 67766 nan 8874
nan 111824 19.5 12064 100637 48.5 17000
nan 113049 1.09 17584 115689 14.95 16969
nan 135689 20.02 20457 130415 12.73 23467
nan 157000 15.7 23054 149646 14.75 26096
nan 191000 21.66 24205 174453 16.58 29077
Dynamic Columns (Optional: can be used to create new columns based on the available columns in data)
Column Name Formula
Metrics (can be used for size, and to derive colours)
Name Field Aggregation Display format Units
Colours (ratios derived from metrics)
Name Numerator Denominator Display format Units Colour Min Max Stop values Stop points Ignore Outliers%

Additional options »

Max boxes in a treemap. Keep under 200 for speed.
Number of top entries to show in filter dropdown
Report won't be refreshed for this long
Width of the screen. 0 for auto layout.
Total height as a % of width.
Wider boxes (>1) or taller boxes (<1)
Text inside boxes will not exceed this size
Space seperated roles that can view the data
Space seperated roles that can change this page (admin always can)
Instead of colouring calendar by colour metric, use size metric
Colours of the low, medium, high and invalid entries
Show the top X and bottom Y items
Colour theme

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