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DB Type

Budget Amount Exp Amount Grant Major Head Minor Head Type Year Ministry Major Head-Name Minor Head-Name
38259060.0 0.0 1 2070 207000800 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OTHER EXPENDITURE
4002960.0 0.0 1 2401 240100102 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY FOOD GRAIN CROPS
830845140.0 0.0 1 2401 240100103 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY SEEDS
101236398.0 0.0 1 2401 240100105 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY MANURES AND FERTILIZERS
276327408.0 0.0 1 2401 240100107 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY PLANT PROTECTION
4813790340.0 0.0 1 2401 240100108 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY COMMERCIAL CROPS
1331831750.0 0.0 1 2401 240100109 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY EXTENSION AND FARMERS TRAINING
12555437230.0 0.0 1 2401 240100110 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY CROP INSURANCE
283328739.0 0.0 1 2401 240100111 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS
1924500.0 0.0 1 2401 240100112 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY DEVELOPMENT OF PULSES
65163570.0 0.0 1 2401 240100113 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING
615074049.0 0.0 1 2401 240100114 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY DEVELOPMENT OF OIL SEEDS
9528284178.0 0.0 1 2401 240100119 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY HORTICULTURE AND VEGETABLE CROPS
61199100.0 0.0 1 2401 240100798 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION
1857150198.0 0.0 1 2401 240100800 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CROP HUSBANDRY OTHER EXPENDITURE
60737220.0 0.0 1 2402 240200101 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION SOIL SURVEY AND TESTING
1732050.0 0.0 1 2402 240200109 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION EXTENSION AND TRAINING
36603990.0 0.0 1 2425 242500108 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CO-OPERATION ASSISTANCE TO OTHER CO-OPERATIVES
88719450.0 0.0 1 2425 242500277 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation CO-OPERATION CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION
1014615645.0 0.0 1 2435 243501101 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation OTHER AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMMES MARKETING FACILITIES
84312345.0 0.0 1 2435 243501102 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation OTHER AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMMES GRADING AND QUALITY CONTROL FACILITIES
148186500.0 0.0 1 2552 255200240 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS CROP HUSBANDRY - EXTENSION AND FARMERS TRAINING
57735000.0 0.0 1 2552 255200241 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS CROP HUSBANDRY - AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS
42358245.0 0.0 1 2552 255200242 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS CROP HUSBANRY - SEEDS
23094000.0 0.0 1 2552 255200243 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS CROP HUSBANDRY - MANURES AND FERTILIZERS
11547000.0 0.0 1 2552 255200244 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS CROP HUSBANDRY - PLANT PROTECTION
11562396.0 0.0 1 2552 255200245 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS CROP HUSBANDRY - AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING
508068000.0 0.0 1 2552 255200246 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS CROP HUSBANDRY - COMMERCIAL CROPS
107772000.0 0.0 1 2552 255200247 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS CROP HUSBANDRY - DEVELOPMENT OF OILSEEDS
1232861643.0 0.0 1 2552 255200248 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS CROP HUSBANDRY - HORTICULTURE AND VEGETABLE CROPS
896832396.0 0.0 1 2552 255200250 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS CROP HUSBANDRY - OTHER EXPENDITURE
15396000.0 0.0 1 2552 255200252 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS CO-OPERATION - CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION
1962990.0 0.0 1 2552 255200253 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS CO-OPERATION - ASSISTANCE TO OTHER CO-OPERATIVES
103923000.0 0.0 1 2552 255200481 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation NORTH EASTERN AREAS OTHER AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMME-MARKETING FACILITIES
229592850.0 0.0 1 3451 345100090 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation SECRETARIAT - ECONOMIC SERVICES SECRETARIAT
6389340.0 0.0 1 3451 345100092 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation SECRETARIAT - ECONOMIC SERVICES OTHER OFFICES
2001480.0 0.0 1 3451 345100800 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation SECRETARIAT - ECONOMIC SERVICES OTHER EXPENDITURE
3849000.0 0.0 1 3601 360101446 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS CROP HUSBANDRY - OTHER GRANTS
153960000.0 0.0 1 3601 360102421 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS OTHERS(OTHER SPECICAL AREA PROGRAMMES)-OTHER GRANTS
25844110500.0 0.0 1 3601 360102446 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS CROP HUSBANDRY - OTHER GRANTS
30792000.0 0.0 1 3601 360103436 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS CROP HUSBANDRY - COMMERCIAL CROPS
3849000.0 0.0 1 3601 360103437 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS CROP HUSBANDRY - MANURES AND FERTILIZERS
286558050.0 0.0 1 3601 360103438 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS CROP HUSBANDRY - AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS
1924500.0 0.0 1 3601 360103439 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS OTHER AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMMES-MARKETING FACILITIES
7890450.0 0.0 1 3601 360103441 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS CROP HUSBANDRY - PLANT PROTECTION
43917090.0 0.0 1 3601 360103442 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS CROP HUSBANDRY - AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING
3849000.0 0.0 1 3601 360103446 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS CROP HUSBANDRY - OTHER GRANTS
740355150.0 0.0 1 3601 360103451 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS CROP HUSBANDRY - SEEDS
46188000.0 0.0 1 3601 360104436 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS CROP HUSBANDRY - COMMERCIAL CROPS
1924500.0 0.0 1 3601 360104437 Budget 2010-2011 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation GRANTS-IN-AID TO STATE GOVERNMENTS CROP HUSBANDRY - MANURES AND FERTILIZERS
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