A unique ID for the visualisation, used in the link
Title displayed on top of the application
DB Type

Segment City Subscriber # calls # outgoing calls MB of data Bill amount
Regular Chennai 1 1 1 79 43.9
HV Chennai 2 17 1 64 27.4
HV Bangalore 3 82 27 3 110.3
HV Delhi 4 3 1 20 16.0
HV Chennai 5 66 28 61 113.1
Regular Mumbai 6 74 49 24 87.4
Regular Chennai 7 12 11 45 32.5
HV Delhi 8 86 7 70 134.0
HV Delhi 9 8 7 1 38.1
Regular Bangalore 10 50 15 80 107.0
HV Chennai 11 90 45 0 136.0
HV Chennai 12 27 26 2 42.2
Regular Delhi 13 69 32 34 102.4
Regular Chennai 14 92 40 56 138.6
Regular Bangalore 15 9 5 19 48.9
Regular Chennai 16 42 30 22 48.2
Regular Mumbai 17 20 16 77 68.7
Regular Chennai 18 93 58 47 142.7
HV Bangalore 19 57 5 33 77.3
Regular Delhi 20 60 8 14 71.4
HV Mumbai 21 41 37 42 60.2
Regular Bangalore 22 64 42 8 66.8
Regular Chennai 23 7 3 76 47.6
HV Chennai 24 88 87 94 128.4
Regular Delhi 25 37 20 7 83.7
Regular Bangalore 26 71 40 3 113.3
HV Delhi 27 93 2 75 132.5
Regular Bangalore 28 6 4 23 21.3
HV Bangalore 29 10 2 91 66.1
HV Chennai 30 22 15 12 69.2
Regular Mumbai 31 61 13 37 95.7
Regular Delhi 32 19 10 20 66.0
Regular Chennai 33 90 18 39 109.9
HV Delhi 34 61 54 47 98.7
Regular Chennai 35 46 15 98 89.8
HV Mumbai 36 31 3 51 79.1
HV Mumbai 37 51 32 49 60.9
HV Chennai 38 48 27 20 62.0
Regular Mumbai 39 90 59 38 143.8
HV Chennai 40 51 1 74 87.4
HV Bangalore 41 68 1 59 110.9
Regular Delhi 42 42 35 78 70.8
Regular Chennai 43 90 36 82 99.2
Regular Bangalore 44 90 57 96 102.6
HV Mumbai 45 66 35 97 100.7
HV Delhi 46 5 3 47 20.7
HV Delhi 47 41 12 79 50.9
Regular Delhi 48 33 8 72 69.2
HV Chennai 49 2 0 10 46.0
HV Bangalore 50 97 63 78 120.8
Dynamic Columns (Optional: can be used to create new columns based on the available columns in data)
Column Name Formula
Metrics (can be used for size, and to derive colours)
Name Field Aggregation Display format Units
Colours (ratios derived from metrics)
Name Numerator Denominator Display format Units Colour Min Max Stop values Stop points Ignore Outliers%

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Text inside boxes will not exceed this size
Space seperated roles that can view the data
Space seperated roles that can change this page (admin always can)
Instead of colouring calendar by colour metric, use size metric
Colours of the low, medium, high and invalid entries
Show the top X and bottom Y items
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