BBH Report (May 2016) - Sandra Miles


Overall, your unique users in mobile banking declined consecutively month after month and it is a matter of concern. From 5.91 Lk, unique users decreased by -0.9% to 5.86 Lk. You have 26.5% of your active CASA clients using mobile banking as against a national average of 26.5%, placing you 2nd among your 3 peers. Since you've achieved only 89.3% of your unique users target this month, your next month's target has increased to 6.85 Lk. With the current number of unique users, you have achieved 62.5% of your 9.37 Lk target so far.

Channel performance

Your SMS users increased this month despite a fall last month. Your LiteSite and App users fell this month, despite a rise last month and is of some concern.

Based on month-on-month growth among 3 peers, you (West 1) rank 3rd in SMS with a growth of 3.6%, ensuring achievement of 87.6% of your targets this month. The average growth nationally for SMS is 1.1%. You rank 1st in LiteSite with a growth of -14.9%, ensuring achievement of 81.4% of your targets this month. The average growth nationally for LiteSite is -14.5%. You rank 2nd in App with a growth of -3.7%, ensuring achievement of 89.5% of your targets this month. The average growth nationally for App is -3.9%.


Rebekah Franklin (West 2) ranks first (out of 3) in SMS, LiteSite and App banking users with a growth of -1.2%, -14.1% and -4.1% respectively.

With a growth of 2.3%, -14.8% and -3.6%, Richard Walker (North 1) ranks last in SMS, LiteSite and App banking users.


Not applicable — only one Regional Head in the team (Sandra Miles).

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