“Long is the way and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light.”
— John Milton, Paradise Lost
We live in times of a raging pandemic: shut down, locked up and kept apart.
Our daily routines have mutated and evolved into their social-distancing friendly
forms. Going out for dinner and movies has given way to Netflix and packet noodles.
Will this be our new normal? What will remain and what will change forever?
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your daily life?
Let's start by learning a bit more about you...
I am a
Gen ZFemale
belonging to a
income bracket. Here's what I'm doing while staying at home.
🍳 Cooking
✉️ Messaging apps
👥 Social media
📹 Watching videos
🎭 Watching shows or films
👨👩👧👦 On family or household
📰 News coverage
🏅 E-sports
🎼 Streaming music
📻 Radio
Have you been
spending more time cooking
at home, because of the COVID-19 outbreak?
Yes, yes I have!
No, not really.
Here's how you compare with the rest of your cohort.
of Gen Zs
of Females
with Higher income
About half of female interviewees have reported cooking at home since the outbreak compared to around one-third of male interviewees. However, only 18% of female interviewees believe that this will be a permanent change.
Generations: Gen Z – 16-23 years-old | Millennials – 24-37 years-old | Gen X – 38-56 years-old | Baby boomers – 57-64 years-old