def color(domain, range, bin=False, to='hex', name='Gramex color'):
Returns a function that scales a number in domain to a color in the range.
- `color(domain=[0, 1], range=['white', 'blue'])`
maps values between 0 to 1 smoothly from white to blue.
Use multiple colors in a smooth gradient.
- `color(domain=[-1, 0, 1], range=['red', 'yellow', 'green'])`
maps values between -1 to +1 smoothly from red to yellow to green
Use multiple colors discretely by binning into buckets (called quantization).
- `color(domain=[-1, 0, 1], range=['red', 'green'], bin=True)`
maps (-1, 0) to red, and (0, 1) to green
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import as cm
if bin:
norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(boundaries=domain, ncolors=len(domain) - 1, clip=True)
norm = colors.Normalize(min(domain), max(domain))
if isinstance(range, str):
cmap = getattr(cm, range, None)
if cmap is None:
raise ValueError(f'color(range={range}) invalid color map. See')
if bin:
n = len(domain) - 1
cmap = colors.ListedColormap(cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, n)), name)
elif isinstance(range, (tuple, list)):
if bin:
if len(range) != len(domain) - 1:
err = 'color(domain=%r, range=%r, bin=True) invalid. len(range) != len(domain) - 1'
raise ValueError(err % (domain, range))
cmap = colors.ListedColormap(range, name)
# We need either domain length = range length (one-to-one mapping)
if len(range) == len(domain) and len(domain) > 1:
segmentdata = [(norm(v), range[i]) for i, v in enumerate(domain)]
# OR range length = 2, and domain has at least 2 elements (map min & max of domain)
elif len(range) == 2 and len(domain) > 1:
segmentdata = range
err = 'color(domain=%r, range=%r) invalid. Need equal arrays with 2+ values'
raise ValueError(err % (domain, range))
cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name, segmentdata)
raise ValueError('color(range=%r) not a color list/map' % range)
# If convertors are not present, add them.
# Run on demand (not when module loads) to defer importing numpy.
if to == 'hex' and 'hex' not in _color_convert:
_color_convert['hex'] = _make_convertor(
elif to == 'rgb' and 'rgb' not in _color_convert:
_color_convert['rgb'] = _make_convertor(colors.to_rgb)
convert = _color_convert[to]
return lambda v: convert(cmap(norm(v)))