How much do you know of the Track and Field events at the Olympics? Go ahead and click any of the cards, answer a question and proceed to a visual history of the event.

And to those of us who know no one else other than 'Usain Bolt' ... ahem. All the best.

Analysis and visuals by GRAMENER.COM

Data Courtesy: databaseolympics

Images Courtesy:

Stories: Wikipedia

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In the 1896 Greece Games, Tom Burke of the United States clocked 12 secs to clinch 100m Gold. A century later Bolt will have clinched Gold and flown all the way back to Jamaica in that time.

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And oh you Generation Z'ers, have you heard of the greats - Pietro Mennea, Carl Lewis, Florence Griffith Joyner & Michael Johnson?

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American Tom Burke's 1896 Gold winning effort of 54.2 secs wouldn't have been sufficient to beat any Female 400m Bronze medalist.

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Long Jump

Winning Gold at the games is an achievement, but to do it four times in a row is simply unbelievable. Carl Lewis did just that, bagging the Gold in the 1984, '88, '92 & '96 games. Read more about Carl and other ridiculous dudes here.

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High Jump

Iolanda Balas of Romania won high jump Gold at the '60 & '64 games. She was the first Romanian woman to win an Olympic gold medal and is considered to have been one of the greatest high jumpers of the twentieth century. And have you heard of the guy who could have won Gold if not for 'urgent matters'? :-)

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Triple Jump

The United States may have won the most number of medals at the Triple Jump event but they have had severe medal droughts in their Olympic Triple Jump history.

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Pole Vault

Win every other championship in style and kill everybody's hopes on you at the Olympics. That's Sergey Bubka for you Ladies & Gentlemen.

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Javelin Throw

Barbora Spotakova of Czechoslovakia, the Gold medalist of the 2008 and 2012 games, is the current World record holder. Can she make it 3 in a row at Rio? There you go, we've jinxed her!