Family (12) name

color was 52 on a base of 3,022 Screentime.

Over 69% of Screentime were from the top three Family: Stark, Lannister and Baratheon Over 60% of Screentime were from the top 20% (2 out of 12).

The highest color is at Stark (10 on a base of 1,032 Screentime) while the lowest color is at Arryn (2 on a base of 27 Screentime)



Stark Lannister Baratheon Targaryen Greyjoy Tyrell Mormont Bolton Martell Tully Arryn Frey 2 color 9
Top Screentime
Stark 1,032
Lannister 770
Baratheon 281
Targaryen 242
Greyjoy 172
Bottom Screentime
Frey 23
Arryn 27
Tully 33
Martell 39
Bolton 100