Portfolio Carbon Navigator | Baseline
Portfolio Level Emissions Trend
Overall financed emissions has increased by 3.5%, in the last year driven by 10% increase in oil &gas financed emissions.
Sector-wise Scope 1 & 2 Carbon Intensity Trend
Cement sector dominates to Scope 1 &2 carbon intensity and oil & gas dominates Scope 3 carbon intensity.
Financed Emissions by Asset Class and Scopes
Sector-wise Scope 3 Carbon Intensity Trend
  Sector Intensity Vs Financed Emissions - All Scopes
Financed Emissions by Asset Class and Scopes
  Sector Carbon Intensity Scope 1 & 2
Disclaimer: The data presented in this demo application pertains to financed emissions and climate transition monitoring for a fictional corporate portfolio. The data pertaining to individual companies in the portfolio is for illustrative purposes and should not be construed as actual reflection of climate transition performance of these companies. The data is sourced from a combination of publicly available data published by CDP Worldwide for a sample of 20 companies, data derived from assumptions on temporal variations or sectoral trends, and illustrative data generated for the purpose of this application.