Tweet Scatter

A scatterplot that shows the distribution of tweets over the last week. Y-axis shows influence (Higher the Y & bigger the circle - more the followers).

Tweets Retweets Replies

Tweet Scatter

SunshinePajamas(Followers: 256): RT @GILENYAGoUSOnly: RT if you love your imperfections! US only :2014-12-15 07:52:47 LisaLee416(Followers: 90): RT @GILENYAGoUSOnly: Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out. :2014-12-15 16:05:24 mpfs79(Followers: 753): "@GILENYAGoUSOnly: That's great news. Welcome to the #GILENYA community @mpfs79!" Thank you! Day 4 still okay. :) :2014-12-15 17:31:55 TexasJew(Followers: 80): @mpfs79 @GILENYAGoUSOnly Good to hear! (Cancer survivor here) :2014-12-15 17:37:01 mpfs79(Followers: 753): "@TexasJew: @mpfs79 @GILENYAGoUSOnly Good to hear! (Cancer survivor here)" Thanks TJ. Hugs :2014-12-15 17:37:28 cutiepiecelena(Followers: 86): RT @GILENYAGoUSOnly: RT if you love your imperfections! US only :2014-12-22 18:54:02 2014-12-15 2014-12-16 2014-12-17 2014-12-18 2014-12-19 2014-12-20 2014-12-21 2014-12-22 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Popular Words

A word cloud that shows popular words. Hover or type & press Enter above to filter. The color palette is random.

Popular Words

Sentiment Cluster

Sentiment of a tweet as measured with the Naive Bayes Classifier. Sentiment engine gets accurate over time by learning.

X axis: Probabilistic Sentiment (How likely is a tweet positive in sentiment?)

Y axis: Influence percentile (Higher the Y, more the followers)

cutiepiecelena(Followers: 86): RT @GILENYAGoUSOnly: RT if you love your imperfections! US only :2014-12-22 18:54:02 mpfs79(Followers: 753): "@TexasJew: @mpfs79 @GILENYAGoUSOnly Good to hear! (Cancer survivor here)" Thanks TJ. Hugs :2014-12-15 17:37:28 TexasJew(Followers: 80): @mpfs79 @GILENYAGoUSOnly Good to hear! (Cancer survivor here) :2014-12-15 17:37:01 mpfs79(Followers: 753): "@GILENYAGoUSOnly: That's great news. Welcome to the #GILENYA community @mpfs79!" Thank you! Day 4 still okay. :) :2014-12-15 17:31:55 LisaLee416(Followers: 90): RT @GILENYAGoUSOnly: Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out. :2014-12-15 16:05:24 SunshinePajamas(Followers: 256): RT @GILENYAGoUSOnly: RT if you love your imperfections! US only :2014-12-15 07:52:47 Less Positive More Positive 20 40 60 80