Person (14) Sector Country

Percentage was 211 on a base of 35,818 Person.

Over 81% of Person were from the top three Person: Jack Ma, Google and Ma Huateng Over 73% of Person were from the top 20% (2 out of 14).

The highest Percentage is at Jack Ma (699 on a base of 23,073 Person) while the lowest Percentage is at Facebook (0 on a base of 1 Person)




Jack Ma Google Ma Huateng Reid Hoffman Peter Thiel Robin Li Mark Zuckerberg Microsoft Jeff Bezos Amazon Bill Gates Elon Musk PayPal Facebook 2 Percentage 436
Top Person
Jack Ma 23,073
Google 2,945
Ma Huateng 2,928
Reid Hoffman 1,901
Peter Thiel 1,894