WARNING: We're verifying the data with experts in the field. See details at the bottom of the page.
Hospital Beds Availability
How well is your county placed to handle with COVID-19 outbreak?Counties are not uniformly equipped to handle the outbreak.Change the slider estimates to determine projected hospital resources needed.
If the population in every county were to be infected by these estimates..
Adjust values with the sliders below (ppm = people per million)
Age >80
Age 50-79
Age 35-49
Age 20-34
Age 10-19
Age <10
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2019.
Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD).Interactive by Pratap Vardhan.
Additional help from Soumya RanjanThis simulation is for research and demo purposes only and not be used for decision-making.
There are uncertainties with data and limitations to this simple model.