How was this app built?

Using Gramex – a low-code framework that's fast, and builds engaging apps.

Here's a quick overview of how we built the app, and how it works.

Using Gramex init, we scaffolded the application. By default, it showed a few sample charts from a dummy dataset.

Using the UI Component Library, we created a theme (color palette, font and baseline typography) used in all views.

The next step was the home page. FileHandler templates simplified custom components like the header and footer.

We restricted access to the application using an Auth handler. We can also specify who has access to what.

We set up the input data as a stream-able source, and used FormHandler to expose segments as a REST API.

We created a decision-tree classifier to predict Good / Bad results as an API to train and retrain the data using FunctionHandler.

We exposed the trained model as an API, allowing the user to predict results using ModelHandler.

We rendered the result using client-side Gramex templates. This creates flexible interactive layouts like on Monitor.

8 components replacing over 2,500 lines of code. 4 views in 3 days.

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How does it work? How was it built on Gramex?