CaptureHandler takes screenshots

CaptureHandler takes screenshots of pages using either Chrome or PhantomJS.



Chrome is the recommended engine from v1.23. Add this to gramex.yaml:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/capture
    handler: CaptureHandler
      engine: chrome
      pattern: ^http

When Gramex runs, it starts node chromecapture.js --port 9900 running a node.js based web application (chromecapture.js) at port 9900.

v1.94 The pattern: ^http only allows URLs that start with http, disallowing file:// and other such URLs. (Relative URLs like ../ are converted to absolute HTTP URLs before checking the pattern, so they will work fine.)

To only allow specific domains, e.g. and, use:

pattern: ^https?://(www\.)?(gramener\.com|gramener\.co)/

To change the port, use:

pattern: /$YAMLURL/capture
handler: CaptureHandler
  engine: chrome
  pattern: ^http
  port: 9901 # Use a different port

To use an existing instance of chromecapture.js running on a different port, use:

pattern: /$YAMLURL/capture
handler: CaptureHandler
  engine: chrome
  pattern: ^http
  url: http://server:port/capture/ # Use chromecapture.js from this URL

The default viewport size is 1200x768. To set a custom viewport for images or PPTX, use ?width= and ?height=. For example, ?width=1920&height=1080 changes the viewport to 1920x1080.

By default, requests timeout within 10 seconds. To change this, use timeout:.

pattern: /$YAMLURL/capture
handler: CaptureHandler
  pattern: ^http
  timeout: 20 # Wait for max 20 seconds for server to respond

The default chromecapture.js is at $GRAMEXPATH/apps/capture/chromecapture.js. To use your own chromecapture.js, run it using cmd: on any port and point url: to that port:

pattern: /$YAMLURL/capture
handler: CaptureHandler
  engine: chrome
  cmd: node /path/to/chromecapture.js --port=9902
  url: http://localhost:9902/

To use a HTTP proxy, set the ALL_PROXY environment variable. If your proxy IP is on port 8000, then set ALL_PROXY to See how to set environment variables. (You can also use the HTTPS_PROXY or HTTP_PROXY environment variables. These supercede ALL_PROXY.)

NOTE: If you’re running CaptureHandler with Chrome on a Docker instance (or any other headless Linux), you may get an error while loading shared libraries. This is because Chrome needs additional dependencies.

On Ubuntu 20.04, you can run this command to fix it:

sudo apt-get -y install xvfb libnss3 libatk1.0-0 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libxcomposite1 libcups2 libxrandr2 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libgtk-3-0

For other systems, check this issue.


PhantomJS is deprecated but is the default for backward compatibility. To use it, install PhantomJS and it to your PATH. Then add this to gramex.yaml:

    engine: phantomjs # Optional.
    pattern: /$YAMLURL/capture
    handler: CaptureHandler

Screenshot service


You can add a link from any page to the capture page to take a screenshot.

<a href="capture?ext=pdf">PDF screenshot</a>
<a href="capture?ext=png">PNG screenshot</a>
<a href="capture?ext=jpg">JPG screenshot</a>
<a href="capture?ext=pptx">PPTX screenshot</a>

Try it here:

It accepts the following arguments:

If the response HTTP status code is 200, the response is the screenshot. If the status code is 4xx or 5xx, the response text has the error message.

Authentication is implicit. The cookies passed to capture are passed to the ?url= parameter. This is exactly as-if the user clicking the capture link were visiting the target page.

To try this, log in and then take a screenshot. The screenshot will show the same authentication information as you see below.

You can override the user by explicitly passing a cookie string using ?cookie=.

All HTTP headers are passed through by default. CaptureHandler sends them to Chrome (not PhantomJS), which passes it on to the target URL.

If capture.js was not started, or it terminated, you can restart it by adding ?start to the URL. It is safe to add ?start even if the server is running. It restarts capture.js only if required.

Encode URLs

When constructing the ?url=, ?selector=, ?title= or any other parameter, ensure that the URL is encoded. So a selector #item does not become ?id=#item – which makes it a URL hash – and instead becomes ?id=%23item.

Use urlencode to encode URLs in templates or in Python:

from urllib.parse import urlencode

query = urlencode({'url': ..., 'selector': [..., ...]}, doseq=True)

Use URLSearchParams to encode URLs in JavaScript:

const query = (new URLSearchParams({url: '...', selector: '...'})).toString()
const query = (new URLSearchParams(['url', '...'], ['selector', '...'], ['selector', '...']])).toString()

// Set a link HREF based on the query
document.querySelector('a.capture').setAttribute('href', `capture?${query}`)
// Or add an event listener based on the query
document.querySelector('button.capture').on('click', function() {
    location.href = `capture?${query}`

Screenshot library


You can take screenshots from any Python program, using Gramex as a library.

from gramex.handlers import Capture         # Import the capture library
capture = Capture(engine='chrome')          # Run chromecapture.js at port 9900

url = ''               # Page to take a screenshot of
with open('screenshot.pdf', 'wb') as f:     # Save screenshot as PDF
    f.write(capture.pdf(url, orientation='landscape'))
with open('screenshot.png', 'wb') as f:     # Save screenshot as PNG
    f.write(capture.png(url, width=1200, height=600, scale=0.8))

The Capture class has convenience methods called .pdf(), .png(), .jpg() that accept the same parameters as the handler.

Client-side capture

CaptureHandler reloads a page to take a screenshot. This can be slow. To avoid this, you can:

Add the libraries from the UI component library:

<script src="ui/html2canvas/dist/html2canvas.min.js"></script>
<script src="ui/file-saver/dist/FileSaver.min.js"></script>

Trigger the download as follows:

html2canvas(document.querySelector(".chart")) // Pick the element to download
  .then((canvas) => {
    canvas.toBlob((blob) => {
      saveAs(blob, "chart.png"); // Pick your filename

WARNING: This requires inline styles. Styles from classes (e.g. Bootstrap’s border) are not applied. Add styles inline, via style="...".

Client-side capture example