Log user and system events

To log any user or system event, you can call gramex.log(key=value, key=value, ...). This logs into an ElasticSearch database that you can configure.

First, install ElasticSearch on any server, or get a cloud instance.

Second, add this to gramex.yaml:

  gramexguide: # Log name. We'll call this via gramex.log('gramexguide')
    host: hostname # OPTIONAL: ElasticSearch server name. default: localhost
    port: 9200 # OPTIONAL: port to connect to. default: 9200
    index: gramexguide # OPTIONAL: index to connect to. default: same as log name
    http_auth: user:pass # OPTIONAL: user name and password. default: None
    keys: [datetime, user.id, headers.User-Agent] # OPTIONAL: additional keys. default: None

In the keys: section, you can use any key supported by the log: service documented here. Every log record will automatically add these keys.

Finally, call gramex.log(x=1, y=2) (or use any other keyword arguments.)

This will log {"port": 9988, "time": ..., "user.id": ..., "x": 1, "y": 2} into your ElasticSearch server’s index gramexguide.

Logging handler

You can also use gramex.log as a FunctionHandler endpoint directly. For example:

    pattern: /log
    handler: FunctionHandler
      function: gramex.log(handler, 'gramexguide', event='handler')

When a user visit /log?x=1&y=2, it logs into gramexguide an object with these keys:

Log an event (result should be null)

Viewing logs

To access an index in ElasticSearch, use FormHandler after running pip install elasticsearch-dbapi. Use this config:

  url: elasticsearch+http://localhost:9200
  table: gramexguide

View ElasticSearch log

Apart from FormHandler, you can also use:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch()
indices = es.indices.get('*')         # Lists indices
records = es.search(index='<index>')  # Gets records from index

ElasticSearch also supports a REST API. You can visit

Multiple logs

You can create multiple logs – to the same or different server. For example:

  log1: # gramex.log('log1') logs to localhost:9200 'log1' index
    keys: [time] # ... with time always added as a key
  log2: # gramex.log(handler, 'log2') also logs to localhost:9200
    index: log1 # ... and the same 'log1' index
    keys: [datetime, user.id] # ... but with datetime and user.id as keys
  log3: # gramex.log('log3') logs to server.com:9200
    host: server.com
    http_auth: user:pass # ... using the specified user ID and password