MLHandler provides ML APIs

MLHandler exposes machine learning models that applications can use over a REST API. (From v1.67.) It allows users to:

  1. create models from scratch, and iterate upon them,
  2. start with existing scikit-learn models, and evolve them.

Creating New Models

To train a new model on, say, the Titanic dataset, from scratch, use the following configuration:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/ml
    handler: MLHandler
        url: $YAMLPATH/titanic.csv # Path to the training dataset

      # Path where the serialized model, training data and configuration is
      # saved
      config_dir: $YAMLPATH

        # The classification or regression algorithm to use
        class: LogisticRegression

        # The column to predict
        target_col: Survived

        # Columns to ignore during training
        exclude: [PassengerId, Ticket, Cabin, Name]

        # Columns to be treated as categorical variables
        cats: [Embarked, SibSp, Parch, Pclass, Sex]

MLHandler will then,

  1. instantiate a LogisticRegression model
  2. load the training data as a Pandas DataFrame
  3. drop the excluded columns
  4. one-hot encode the categorical columns and normalize any remaining columns - which are implicitly assumed to be numerical.
  5. train the model and save it.

Other kwargs.model parameters that are supported are:

Note that all kwargs in MLHandler are optional. Any option can be specified at a later time with a PUT or a POST request. For example:

config_dir is the directory where the model, data, and configuration are stored. It has 3 files:

  1. config.json: Model parameters & configuration
  2. data.h5: Training data
  3. model.pkl: The actual model, serialized as a Pickle file

config_dir defaults to $GRAMEXDATA/apps/mlhandler/<handler-key>/, where <handler-key> is the handler name, e.g. mlhandler-tutorial in the example above.

Exposing Existing Models

Existing scikit-learn models can be exposed with the MLHandler.

You can download a sample logistic regression model, trained on the Titanic dataset. The model is trained to predict if a passenger would have survived the Titanic disaster, given attributes of the passenger like age, gender, travel class, etc. The model can then be exposed in a Gramex application as follows:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/model
    handler: MLHandler
      config_dir: $YAMLPATH

Model operations

Getting predictions

MLHandler allows getting predictions for a single data point through a simple curl -X GET request, as follows:

# See whether a 22 year old male, traveling with a sibling in the third class,
# having embarked in Southampton is likely to have survived.

curl -X GET /model?Sex=male&Age=22&SibSp=1&Parch=0&Fare=7.25&Pclass=3&Embarked=S
# output: [0] - passenger did not survive
Embed in your app.

    >>> import requests
    >>> requests.get('mlhandler?Sex=male&Age=22&SibSp=1&Parch=0&Fare=7.25&Pclass=3&Embarked=S')

      url: 'mlhandler?Sex=male&Age=22&SibSp=1&Parch=0&Fare=7.25&Pclass=3&Embarked=S',
        method: 'GET'

    curl -X GET mlhandler?Sex=male&Age=22&SibSp=1&Parch=0&Fare=7.25&Pclass=3&Embarked=S'

Note that the URL parameters in the GET query are expected to be fields in the training dataset, and can be passed as Python dictionaries or JS objects.

Getting bulk predictions

Predictions for a dataset (as against a single data point) can be retrieved by POSTing a JSON dataset in the request body. The Titanic dataset is available here without the target column, which you can use to run the following example:

curl -X POST -d @titanic_predict.json http://localhost:9988/mlhandler?_action=predict
# Output: [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ...] # whether each passenger is likely to have survived
Embed in your app.

    >>> import requests
    >>>'mlhandler?_action=predict', files={'file': open('titanic.xlsx', 'rb')})

      url: 'mlhandler?_action=predict',
      method: 'POST',
      data: new FormData(this),
      processData: false,
      contentType: false

    curl -X POST -d @titanic.xlsx 'mlhandler?_action=predict'

Retraining the model

An existing model can be retrained by POSTing data and specifying a target column. To do so, we need to:

  1. post the training data as JSON records,
  2. set ?_action=retrain and perform a PUT,
  3. set ?target_col=NEW_TARGET_COL, if required.

You can use the JSON dataset here to train the model as follows:

curl -X POST -d @titanic.json /mlhandler?_action=retrain&target_col=Survived
# Output: {'score': 0.80}  - the model has 80% accuracy on the training data.
Embed in your app.

    >>> import requests
                      files={'file': open('titanic.csv', 'rb')})

      url: 'mlhandler?_action=retrain&target_col=Survived',
      method: 'POST',
      data: new FormData(this),
      processData: false,
      contentType: false

    curl -X POST -d @titanic.csv 'mlhandler?_action=retrain&target_col=Survived'

See model parameters

The parameters of a scikit-learn model can be obtained by specify the ?_model parameter, as follows:

curl -X GET /mlhandler?_model
# Output
      'C': 1.0,
      'class_weight': None,
      'dual': False,
      'fit_intercept': True,
      'intercept_scaling': 1,
      'l1_ratio': None,
      'max_iter': 100,
      'multi_class': 'auto',
      'n_jobs': None,
      'penalty': 'l2',
      'random_state': None,
      'solver': 'lbfgs',
      'tol': 0.0001,
      'verbose': 0,
      'warm_start': False
    "model": "LogisticRegression"

Embed in your app.

    >>> import requests
    >>> requests.get('mlhandler?_model).json()
             'C': 1.0,
             'class_weight': None,
             'dual': False,
             'fit_intercept': True,
             'intercept_scaling': 1,
             'l1_ratio': None,
             'max_iter': 100,
             'multi_class': 'auto',
             'n_jobs': None,
             'penalty': 'l2',
             'random_state': None,
             'solver': 'lbfgs',
             'tol': 0.0001,
             'verbose': 0,
             'warm_start': False
         "model": "LogisticRegression"


    curl -X GET -d @titanic.csv 'mlhandler?_model'

Change the model and modify its parameters

An existing model can be replaced with a new one, and all its parameters can be modified with a PUT request. The following request replaces the logistic regression earlier with a random forest classifier:

curl -X PUT '/mlhandler?_model&class=RandomForestClassififer'

Note that at this stage, the model has simply been replaced, but not retrained. To train it, we can POST to it with ?_action=retrain parameter as follows:

curl -X POST '/mlhandler?_action=retrain'

Similarly, any parameter of the model can be changed. For example, to change the number of estimators used in a random forest classifier (which is 100, by default), use:

curl -X PUT /mlhandler?_model&n_estimators=10

In general, the model’s class and any of its parameters can be chained together in the PUT request. For example, to change the model to an SGDClassifier with a log loss, use:

curl -X PUT /mlhandler?_model&class=SGDClassifier&loss=log

Any query parameter except class which is also a parameter of the SGDClassifier will be used to create the model.

Similarly, any of the data transformation options (include, exclude, cats, nums, etc) can be added or changed at any time with a PUT, as follows:

# Ignore PassengerId and Name, consider Embarked as a categorical feature.
curl -X PUT /mlhandler?_model&exclude=PassengerId&exclude=Name&cats=Embarked

Delete a model

To remove the serialized model from the disk and disable further operations, use a delete request as follows:

curl -X DELETE /mlhandler?_model

MLHandler Templates

MLHandler supports Tornado templates which can be used to create front-end applications which use MLHandler. You can specify a template kwarg as follows:

  pattern: /$YAMLURL/ml
  handler: MLHandler
  template: $YAMLPATH/template.html

The template so specified will be rendered at the pattern URL, and it will have access to the following variables:

{{ handler.model }} gives you access to the underlying sklearn object. This can be used in many ways to replicate sklearn code. For example,

If left unspecified, MLHandler will render a default template that shows some details of your MLHandler application. The default template for the Titanic problem can be seen here.

Feature Engineering in MLHandler

MLHandler supports feature engineering by allowing users to specify data transformations. Transformations can be enabled by adding a transform: value to the data parameter in the MLHandler config, as follows:

  pattern: /$YAMLURL/transform
  handler: MLHandler
      url: $YAMLPATH/train_data.csv
      # transform: is a dotted path to the function that transforms data. It runs:
      #     data = mymodule.transform_func(data) or data
      transform: mymodule.transform_func

Note that the function used to transform the data must accept a dataframe as the first argument, and should return only the transformed dataframe. The transform can also be an expression or pipeline, instead of a function name.

Example: Classify overlapping patterns with logistic regression

Consider the following dataset, containing two classes that are not linearly separable.


Here is a file containing this dataset. Suppose, we create an MLHandler endpoint using a logistic regression to classify this dataset, as follows:

  pattern: /$YAMLURL/circlebasic
  handler: MLHandler
    xsrf_cookies: false
      url: $YAMLPATH/circles.csv
      class: LogisticRegression
      target_col: y

Clearly, logistic regression cannot achieve an accuracy of more than 50% on this dataset, since it is only capable of drawing a straight discriminating line through the plot.

But we can transform this data in such a way that the classes become linearly separable. This can be done by writing a transform function as follows:

def transform(df, *args, **kwargs):
    df[['X1', 'X2']] = np.exp(-df[['X1', 'X2']].values ** 2)
    return df

The dataset transformed thus looks like follows:

Circles transformed

This transformed dataset is now manageable with logistic regression. To add the transformation to the MLHandler configuration, use the transform: key under the data: kwarg, as follows:

  pattern: /$YAMLURL/circlebasic
  handler: MLHandler
    xsrf_cookies: false
      url: $YAMLPATH/circles.csv
      transform: mymodule.transform # The function used to transform the data
      class: LogisticRegression
      target_col: y

This will result in the handler transforming the training data, and any incoming dataset for prediction, retraining or scoring.

Time series forecasting

Since v1.78.0, Gramex supports creating forecasting models with MLHandler, via the SARIMAX algorithm in statsmodels.

To use it, first install stasmodels,

pip install statsmodels

The following YAML spec shows how to setup an MLHandler instance to model and forecast on the German Interest and Inflation Rate dataset. You can download a copy here.

  pattern: /$YAMLURL/forecast
  handler: MLHandler
      url: $YAMLPATH/inflation.csv # Inflation dataset
      index_col: index # Use index column as timestamps
      target_col: R
      class: SARIMAX
          [7, 1, 0] # Creates ARIMA estimator with (p,d,q)=(7,1,0)
          # Add other parameters similarly

Then, to get the forecast for a specific time period, POST the exogenous data and corresponding timestamps to the /forecast URL.

Sentiment Analysis

v1.80.0 supports sentiment analysis. To set it up, install:

pip install spacy transformers torch datasets

Then use this configuration:

    pattern: /sentiment
    handler: MLHandler
        class: SentimentAnalysis
      xsrf_cookies: false

Now visit /sentiment?text=wrong&text=right to see the following output:


Named Entity Recognition

v1.83.0 supports named entity recognition. To set it up, install:

pip install spacy transformers torch datasets

Then use this configuration:

    pattern: /ner
    handler: MLHandler
        class: NER
      xsrf_cookies: false

Now visit:

  text=Narendra Modi is the PM of India&
  text=Joe Biden is the President of the United States and lives in Washington DC

… to see the following output:

    "text": "Narendra Modi is the PM of India.",
    "labels": [
        "start": 0,
        "end": 13,
        "label": "PER"
        "start": 27,
        "end": 32,
        "label": "LOC"
    "text": "Joe Biden is the President of the United States and lives in Washington DC.",
    "labels": [
        "start": 0,
        "end": 9,
        "label": "PER"
        "start": 40,
        "end": 47,
        "label": "LOC"
        "start": 61,
        "end": 74,
        "label": "LOC"


How to get the accuracy score of my model?

When trying to see the accuracy of a new dataset against an existing model, use ?_action=score. Specifically, POST the new data to the MLHandler endpoint, with ?_action=score.

# Check the score of a dataset - test.csv - against an existing model
curl -X POST -F "file=@test.csv" 'http://localhost:9988/mlhandler?_action=score'

How to download a model?

Add the ?_download query parameter to the MLHandler endpoint, and perform a GET. E.g to download the Titanic model included in this tutorial, click here.

curl -X GET '/mlhandler?_download'

How to download training data?

Add the ?_cache query parameter to the MLHandler endpoint, and perform a GET. E.g to download the Titanic dataset included in this tutorial, click here.

curl -X GET '/mlhandler?_cache'

How to append to the training data?

MLHandler supports incremental accumulation of training data. If data is specified in the YAML confing, it can be appended to, using ?_action=append. Data can be POSTed in two ways:

  1. By including it as JSON in the request body and setting the Content-Type header to application/json as follows:

    bash curl -X POST -d @data.json --header "Content-Type: application/json" 'http://localhost:9988/mlhandler?_action=append'

  2. By POSTing any dataset through a form as a file. (Any format is supported.)

    bash curl -X POST -F "file=@data.json" 'http://localhost:9988/mlhandler?_action=append'

Note that when data is being appended, the schema of the appendix has to match the schema of the existing dataset.

How to delete training data?

Send a DELETE request to the MLHandler endpoint with the ?_cache parameter. E.g:

curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9988/mlhandler?_cache'

How to delete the model?

Send a DELETE request to the MLHandler endpoint with the ?_model parameter. E.g:

curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9988/mlhandler?_model'

This will cause MLHandler to return an HTTP 404 on subsequent requests to the same endpoint, until an ?_action=train or ?_action=retrain is requested.