Configurations control Gramex

All features of Gramex are controlled by gramex.yaml. Here’s a simple gramex.yaml that serves the file home.html as the home page.

url: # URL configuration section
  root: # Add a configuration called "root"
    pattern: / # It maps the URL / (the home page)...
    handler: FileHandler # ... to a Gramex FileHandler
    kwargs: # ... and passes it these arguments:
      path: home.html # Use home.html as the path to serve
  browser: / # Open the home page when the app loads

Create this home.html in the same directory:

<h1>Hello Gramex</h1>

Run gramex from that directory. You should see “Hello Gramex” on your browser. (You may need to press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+R to refresh the cache.

Here is a full reference of gramex.yaml configurations.

This section is meant more as a reference. Skim through it, and return later for additional information.

App configuration

The app: section controls Gramex’s startup. It has these sub-sections.

  1. browser: is the URL to open when Gramex is launched. (default: False)
  2. listen: holds keyword arguments for the HTTP server. The most important parameter is the port: (default: 9988.) The remaining parameters are passed to HTTPServer().
  3. settings: holds the Tornado application settings.
  4. session: holds session settings

Command line args

Gramex supports these command line options. The default values are shown:

--listen.port=9988              # Run on port 9988
--log.level=debug               # Log all debug messages
--browser=false                 # Run browser on startup?
--settings.debug=false          # Start debugger on errors?
--settings.xsrf_cookies=true    # Require XSRF cookies?

Here are more settings:

--settings.serve_traceback=true              # Show traceback on error
--settings.cookie_secret=secret-key          # Encrypt cookies with "secret key"
--settings.xsrf_cookie_kwargs.httponly=true  # No JS access to XSRF cookies?   # Only HTTPS for XSRF cookies?
--settings.login_url=/login/                 # Default login URL
--settings.autoescape=xhtml_escape           # Escape HTML in templates
--settings.autoreload=False                  # Reload Gramex on code change?
--settings.compiled_template_cache=true      # Cache template files?
--settings.compress_response=true            # GZip the HTTP response?
--settings.static_hash_cache=true            # Cache static files?
--settings.key_version=2                     # Cookie encryption version

--session.expiry=31             # Session cookies expiry in days
--session.httponly=true         # Only HTTP access, no JS access
--session.flush=5               # Write store to disk every 5s
--session.purge=3600            # Purge every hour
--session.cookie=sid            # Name of the session ID cookie
--session.type=json             # Store session in hdf5|json|memory
--session.path=/path/to/file    # Store file (ignored for memory)

You can specify multiple options, e.g.

gramex --listen.port=8080 --log.level=warning

Internally, the command line overrides the gramex.yaml configuration.

For example, gramex --listen.port=8080 --log.level=warning is the same as specifying:

    port: 8080
      level: WARNING # Gramex capitalizes --log.level

The Gramex logger settings

URL mapping

The url: section maps URLs to content. Here is an example:

  homepage: # "homepage" can be replaced with any unique name
    pattern: / # Map the URL /
    handler: FileHandler # using a built-in FileHandler
    kwargs: # Pass these options to FileHandler
      path: $YAMLPATH/index.html # Show the index.html in the same directory as this YAML file

  hello: # A unique name for this mapping
    pattern: /hello # Map the URL /hello
    handler: FunctionHandler # using the build-in FunctionHandler
    kwargs: # Pass these options to FunctionHandler
      function: str("Hello") # Run the str() function with the argument "Hello"

The url: section is a name - mapping dictionary. The names are just unique identifiers. The mappings have these keys:

You an write your own handler by extending BaseHandler. For example, create a file called with the following content:

from gramex.handlers import BaseHandler

class Hello(BaseHandler):
    def get(self):
        self.write('hello world')

Now, you can add this configuration to your url: section:

url: # Do not include this line if you already have it
  hello: # a name you want to give to the handler
    pattern: /hello # URL pattern
    handler: hello.Hello # class that implements the handler

This renders “hello world” at the URL /hello.

Custom HTTP Headers

The kwargs: section of url: accepts a headers: key that sets custom HTTP headers. For example:

    Content-Type: text/plain # Display as plain text
    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*" # Allow CORS (all servers can access via AJAX)
    X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # Disable XSS scripting on old browsers
    # Disable unsafe inline/eval, only allow loading images, fonts, scripts, etc. over https:
    Content-Security-Policy: "default-src https:"

… adds the Content-Type, CORS and other security settings to the response headers.

To set headers on all pages, use handlers.BaseHandler.headers. For example:

      X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # Enable XSS protection
      X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # Browsers should not perform MIME-type sniffing
      X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # Don't place in an iframe from external site
      Server: false # Don't reveal the server

HTTP Methods

The kwargs: section of url: accepts a methods: a list of allowed HTTP methods. For example:

      # Use any one of these lines
      methods: GET            # Only allows the GET method
      methods: GET, POST      # Only allow GET/POST, not PUT, DELETE, etc
      methods: [GET, POST]    # Same as above
      methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH     # Allow all methods

If the user requests a non-allowed method, or the underlying handler does not support it, Gramex raises a HTTP 405: Method not allowed response.


The log: section defines Gramex’s logging behavior. See gramex.yaml for the default configuration.

To only log WARNING messages to the console, use:

      level: WARNING # Default is DEBUG. Can be INFO, WARNING, ERROR

From v1.23, Gramex also saves all console logs to logs/gramex.log under $GRAMEXDATA. To change the path, use:

      filename: $GRAMEXDATA/your-app/gramex.log # Change file location

The log file is backed up weekly by default. You can change these parameters:

The default configuration uses the Python logging schema. You can create your additional formatters by extending this.

Request logging

Gramex logs all HTTP requests to logs/requests.csv under $GRAMEXDATA. It logs:

To change the location of this file, use log.handlers.requests.filename:

      filename: $GRAMEXDATA/your-app/requests.csv # The path can point ANYWHERE

To change the columns that are logged, use log.handlers.requests.keys:

      keys: [time, ip,, status, uri]

You can use any of the following as keys for logging:

User logging

Gramex’s auth handlers log all login and logout events to a user log store configured as:

    url: sqlite:///$GRAMEXDATA/auth.user.db
    table: userlog
      event: TEXT # Type of event: login/logout/fail
      # Except event, these values must be keys for transforms.build_log_info()
      port: INTEGER # Port on which Gramex is running
      uri: TEXT # URL where the user logged in
      name: TEXT # Name of the handler
      class: TEXT # Class of the handler (e.g. SimpleAuth, GoogleAuth, etc)
      datetime: TEXT # Time of event, ISO8601 encoded (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSZ)
      user: TEXT # User ID (e.g. user name or email address, depending on handler)
      ip: TEXT # IP address of the client
      browser: TEXT # Browser name

If you use Gramex on multiple servers, change this to a remote database with the same syntax as FormHandler. For example, add this in your gramex.yaml:

    url: postgresql://$USER:$PASS@server/db
    # url: mysql+pymysql://$USER:$PASS@server/db
    # ...
    table: userlog

To change the columns that are logged, add this in your gramex.yaml. You can use any key from the list of columns in request logging.

      event: TEXT # required
      datetime: TEXT
      user: TEXT
      # Add any additional columns here, e.g.
      # request.method: TEXT
      # env.HOME: TEXT

v1.89: The user log files below are deprecated and will be removed in 2024.

Gramex’s auth handlers log all login and logout events to logs/user.csv under $GRAMEXDATA. It logs:

To change the location of this file, use log.handlers.user.filename:

      filename: $GRAMEXDATA/your-app/user.csv # The path can point ANYWHERE

To change the columns that are logged, use log.handlers.user.keys:

      keys: [time, ip, user, status, uri, error]

For the list of valid keys, see request logging.

Until v1.22, the log: section of auth handlers could be configured to log events like this:

  pattern: /$YAMLURL/auth
  handler: SimpleAuth
    log: # Log this when a user logs in via this handler
      fields: # List of fields:
        - #   handler.session['id']
        - #   handler.current_user['id']
        - request.remote_ip #   handler.request.remote_ip
        - request.headers.User-Agent #   handler.request.headers['User-Agent']

The log: key has been removed since v1.23.

Handler logging

Up to Gramex v1.22 the log: section of each handler allowed custom logging for that handler. This is useless sophistication. It has not been used in any Gramener project. So it was removed in v1.23.

Instead, use request logging to set up access logs.

Logging to $GRAMEXDATA/logs/access.csv has also been disabled since no project uses it by default.

Error handlers

URL handlers allow custom logging of errors. For example, to show a custom 404 page, use:

  pattern: ...
  handler: ...
        path: $YAMLPATH/error-page.html

Error page example

The error page is rendered as a Tornado template with 3 keyword arguments:

  1. status_code: HTTP status code. e.g. 404
  2. kwargs: For HTTP errors, kwargs['exc_info'] is a (type, value, traceback) tuple as returned by sys.exc_info.
  3. handler: the handler object. e.g. handler.request.uri

Exception information

kwargs['exc_info'] is a (type, value, traceback) tuple

  1. kwargs['exc_info'][0] is a type, e.g. <class 'tornado.web.HTTPError'>
  2. kwargs['exc_info'][1] is an Exception, e.g. HTTP 404: Not Found (gramex-guide/config/handler missing)
  3. kwargs['exc_info'][2] is a traceback object, e.g. <traceback object at 0x000001A033E13EC8>

The Exception object (kwargs['exc_info'][1]) has 3 attributes:

You can get the traceback via {{ ''.join(traceback.format_tb(kwargs['exc_info'][2])) }}

  File "tornado/", line 1704, in _execute
    result = await result
  File "tornado/", line 769, in run
    yielded = self.gen.throw(*exc_info)  # type: ignore
  File "gramex/handlers/", line 196, in get
    yield self._get_path(self.root / path if self.root.is_dir() else self.root)
  File "tornado/", line 762, in run
    value = future.result()
  File "tornado/", line 234, in wrapper
    yielded = ctx_run(next, result)
  File "gramex/handlers/", line 240, in _get_path
    raise HTTPError(NOT_FOUND, f'{self.file} missing')

To reuse error pages across multiple handlers, see Reusing Configurations.

JSON error response

The error page can also be a function. For example:

  pattern: ...
  handler: ...
        function: >
            "code": status_code,
            "message": str(kwargs['exc_info'][1]),
            "traceback": ''.join(traceback.format_tb(kwargs['exc_info'][2])),
          }, indent=2)
          Content-Type: application/json

JSON error example

The function can be any expression or pipeline that can use status_code, kwargs or handler. Its return value is rendered as a string.

If a function: and path: are both specified, function: is used, and path: is ignored with a warning log.

Both methods support some customizations. Here is a full example showing the customizations:

    pattern: ...
    handler: ...
          path: $YAMLPATH/error-page.json   # Content-Type is set to application/json based on extension
          autoescape: false         # To avoid converting quotes to &quot; etc
          whitespace: oneline       # Remove all whitespace. 'single' preserves newlines. 'all' preserves all whitespace
          headers:                  # Override HTTP headers
            Content-Type: text/plain
          # Call your function with the predefined parameters available
          function:, kwargs, handler)
          headers:                                  # Override HTTP headers
            Cache-Control: no-cache


Most URL handlers (not all) accept a redirect: parameter that redirects the user after completing the action. For example, after a FunctionHandler executes or after logging in or after an UploadHandler is done. Here is the syntax:

      # Redirect the browser to this path after execution
      redirect: /$YAMLURL/path-to-redirect
        # OR: You can specify an absolute path, e.g.
        redirect: /home
        # OR: You can specify a relative path, e.g.
        redirect: ../css/style.css

NOTE: You can only redirect pages that don’t return any content. If the handler renders content or triggers a download, redirection will fail.

Redirection can also be customized based on:

These can be specified in any order, and are all optional. (If none of these is specified, the user is redirected to the home page /.) For example:

      redirect:             # Redirect options are applied in order
        query: next         # If ?next= is specified, use it
        header: Referer     # Else use the HTTP header Referer if it exists
        url: /$YAMLURL/     # Else redirect to directory of this gramex.yaml

With this configuration, ?next=../config/ will take you to the ../config/ page.

By default, the URL must redirect to the same server (for security reasons). So ?next= will ignore the next= parameter. However, you can specify external: true to override this:

      redirect:                   # Under the redirect section,
        external: true            # add an external: true
        query: next               # The ?next= can now be an external URL
        url:  # So can the pre-defined URL

You can test this at ../auth/ldap2?next=


The schedule: section schedules functions to run at specific times or on startup. It has a name - schedule mapping. The names are unique identifiers. The schedules have the following keys:

It also accepts a timing that is based on the crontab format. Here is an example:

See the scheduler documentation for examples.

Custom MIME types

The mime: section lets you add custom MIME types for extensions. For example:

  .yml: text/yaml

… maps the .yml extension to the text/yaml MIME type. This is used by FileHandler and other services to set the Content-Type header.

YAML imports

One config file can import another. For example:

import: another.yaml # import this YAML file relative to current file path

These “copy-paste” the contents of another.yaml from the same directory as this file, ignoring any duplicates.

To import multiple files, path can be a list or a wildcard. For example:

      - another.yaml # Relative paths are relative to this YAML file
      - D:/temp/gramex.yaml # Absolute paths are OK too
      - "*/gramex.yaml" # Any gramex.yaml file under an immediate sub-directory
      - "**/gramex.yaml" # Any gramex.yaml file under ANY sub-directory
    namespace: [url, schedule, cache, import]

You can pass variables to the imported file using this syntax:

    path: another.yaml
    var1: value # $var1 will be replaced with "value"
    var2: { key: value } # $var2 will be replaced with {"key": "value"}

The $YAMLURL and $YAMLPATH variables work as expected. But you may change $YAMLURL to mount an import at a different URL. Consider this dir/app.yaml:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/

When imported using import: dir/app.yaml, $YAMLURL becomes /dir/. But you may want to mount applications in different locations, so you can change the imported file’s $YAMLURL as follows:

    path: dir/app.yaml # YAMLURL is /dir/ by default
    YAMLURL: /app1/ # YAMLURL is set to /app1/ instead
    # Here are some other options
    # YAMLURL: $YAMLURL         # pattern is $YAMLURL, as if dir/app.yaml were copy-pasted here
    # YAMLURL: /app/dir/        # pattern is /app/dir/
    path: dir/app2.yaml # Another application
    YAMLURL: /app2/ # is mounted at /app2/

The keys app1, app2, etc. are just identifiers, not used for anything.

You can also use imports within sections. For example:

  import: app1/gramex.yaml # Imports app1/gramex.yaml into the url: section


import: '*/gramex.yaml'
    path: '*/gramex.yaml'
    namespace: [url, schedule, cache, import]

YAML duplicate keys

Sometimes, you want to use the same keys. For example, you may want to import the same YAML file multiple times, but with different variables.

There are 2 ways of doing this: namespaces and wildcard keys.

YAML namespaces

When importing another application, use namespaces like this:

  app: # Some unique name for the app
    path: another.yaml # Relative paths are relative to this YAML file
    namespace: [url, schedule, cache, import]

The namespace: replaces the keys under url:, schedule:, cache: and import: with a unique prefix, ensuring that these sections are merged without conflict.

YAML wildcard keys

When building an application for re-use, use wildcard keys like this:

  my-app-$*: # Note the '$*' in the key
    pattern: ...

Every '$*' in a key is replaced with a random string every time the file is loaded – ensuring that it is unique.

YAML variables

Templates can use variables. Variables are written as $VARIABLE or ${VARIABLE}. All environment variables are available as variables by default. For example:

import: $HOME/gramex.yaml # imports gramex.yaml from your home directory

You can define or override variables using the variables: section like this:

  URLROOT: "/site" # Define $URLROOT
  HOME: { default: "/home" } # Define $HOME if not defined earlier
  PATH: $URLROOT/path # Define $PATH based on $URLROOT

$URLROOT is set to /site. If the variable was defined earlier in another YAML file or the environment, that value is lost.

$HOME is set to /home only if it was not already defined. It defaults to home, but does not override a previous value.

$PATH is set to /site/path. Its value is based on the previously defined $URLROOT.

Variables can be of any type. For example:

  NUMBER: 10
  BOOLEAN: false

They are substituted as-is if the variable is used directly. If it’s part of a string substitution, then it is converted into a string. For example:

number: $NUMBER             # This is the int 10
number: /$NUMBER            # This is the string "/10"
mix: a-${BOOLEAN}-b         # This is the string "a-False-b"

Predefined variables

In addition to environment variables, the following pre-defined variables are available in every YAML file. (The examples assume you are processing D:/app/config/gramex.yaml, and running Gramex from D:/app/):

You can also access these from Python modules:

from gramex.config import variables
variables['GRAMEXPATH']     # Same as $GRAMEXPATH
variables['GRAMEXDATA']     # Same as $GRAMEXDATA

Computed variables

Variables can also be computed as an expression or pipeline. For example, this assigns utils.get_root("URLROOT") to assign $URLROOT:

    function: utils.get_root(key)

The key we’re assigning is available as a variable key.

Computed variables can also use defaults. For example, this assigns get_home() to $HOME only if it’s not already defined.

      function: utils.get_home()

Note: As of now, the function: cannot use variables like $HOME, but can use gramex.config.variables['HOME'] instead.

Once the variables are assigned, the variables section is removed.

To learn about pre-defined variables, and how these variables are used in practice, read deployment patterns.

Conditional variables

You can set variables based on a conditional expression or pipeline. For example, this sets $PORT based on $OS:

    function: 4444 if "$OS".lower() is 'windows' else 8888

Merging variables

To use scalar variables, just use $VARIABLE. But if you want merge a mapping, use import.merge: $VARIABLE.

Here’s how it works. In the code below, the first: and second: are identical.

  var: # Defines $var
    key: value
  key: default-value # If no $var is defined, use this key
  import.merge: $var # If it's defined, just merge the $var here, overriding key:
second: # The result of first: is the same as second:
  key: value

You can have multiple import.merges like this:

  key: default-value
  import.merge.first: $var1 # Anything under import.merge.*: is merged $var2 # Merges happen in order, overriding previous
  import.merge.last: $var3 # The key text after "import.merge" (e.g. .first, .last) is ignored

A practical use is when write apps. If you write a FormHandler that will be imported by a project:

  app-data-$*:                    # FYI: $* avoids namespace clash when importing
    pattern: /$YAMLURL/data
    handler: FormHandler
        # By default, these are the queries available
        sales: SELECT * FROM sales
        cost: SELECT * FROM cost
        # But you can allow the importing app to over-ride these queries
        import.merge: $queries

… then the project can import your app and override the queries like this:

    path: /path/to/app/gramex.yaml
    # The section below is passed to the app as $queries
    # It replaces the sales: and cost: in the app
      sales: SELECT * FROM sales WHERE product='Laptop'
      cost: SELECT * FROM cost WHERE product='Laptop'


v1.23. Any YAML dictionary like key if condition: val is replaced with key: val if condition is True, and removed otherwise.

For example, this sets up different authentications on Windows vs non-Windows:

auth if 'win' in sys.platform:
  pattern: /login
  handler: IntegratedAuth
auth if 'win' not in sys.platform:
  pattern: /login
  handler: LDAPAuth

If if is present in any key, the portion after if is evaluated as a Python expression or pipeline. All YAML variables and common modules (re, os, sys, datetime, socket, six) are available to the expression.

Here are useful examples of conditions:

# If Gramex is installed in a certain location, e.g. C:
key if 'C:' in GRAMEXPATH`: value

# If Gramex is running on a certain platform, e.g. win32, linux, cygwin, darwin
key if 'win' in sys.platform: value

# If Gramex is running on a specific server, e.g.
key if 'uat' in socket.gethostname(): value

# If Gramex was started with a specific command line, e.g. --listen.port=8001
key if '--listen.port=8001' in ''.join(sys.argv[1:]): value

# If Gramex is running from a specific location, e.g. /tmp/
key if '/tmp/' in os.getcwd(): value

# If Gramex was started at a specific time, e.g. on Sunday (7)
key if == 7: value

YAML inheritence

Configurations can be overwritten. For example:

a: 1          # This is defined first
a: 2          # ... but this overrides it

will only use the second line.

Imports over-write the entire key. For example, if a.yaml has:

  x: 1
  y: 2
import: b.yaml

… and b.yaml has:

  z: 3

… the final key will only have z: 3.

Gramex uses 3 different configuration files. The first is Gramex’s own gramex.yaml. The second is the application’s. The third is the command line. These update keys, rather than overwriting them. For example, Gramex’s gramex.yaml has the following url: section:

    pattern: /(.*)

When your gramex.yaml uses a url: section like this:

    pattern: /

… the final URL section will have both the default and the homepage keys. If the application uses the same key as Gramex’s gramex.yaml, the latter will be overwritten.

Configuration access

Configurations are available in gramex.conf. For example, this will print the computed value of applications port:

import gramex

gramex.conf is meant for reading. Do not change its value.

You can see this applications gramex.conf at ../final-config

If the underlying YAML files change, then gramex.init() is automatically reloaded and all services are re-initialized.

Reusing configurations

Sometimes, you need to re-use the same configurations multiple times. YAML’s anchors support this. For example, this is how you re-use authentication:

  pattern: ...
  handler: ...
  kwargs: ...
    auth: &GRAMENER_AUTH        # Define a variable called GRAMENER_AUTH
      membership:               # Whatever is under auth: is copied into GRAMENER_AUTH
        hd: []
  pattern: ...
  handler: ...
  kwargs: ...
    auth: *GRAMENER_AUTH          # Use the variable GRAMENER_AUTH
    # This is the same as copy-pasting the earlier auth: section here
    # auth:
    #     membership:
    #         hd: []

This is how you re-use error page definitions:

  pattern: ...
  handler: ...
    error: &DASHBOARD_ERROR      # Define a reference called DASHBOARD_ERROR
      404: {path: $YAMLPATH/error-page.html}
      500: {function: config_error_page.show_error}
  pattern: ...
  handler: ...
    error: *DASHBOARD_ERROR       # Reuse DASHBOARD_ERROR reference

You can also re-use parts of a configuration. Place any configuration you want in the variables: section. Then use <<: *reference to copy-paste it where you need.

For example, if you need to re-use common headers, do this:

  # Define any YAML configuration in the variables: section
  headers: &commonheaders
    Server: False
    X-XSS-Protection: '1'
    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

  pattern: ...
  handler: ...
        Content-Type: text/plain
        <<: *commonheaders          # Copy-paste this reference

You can use <<: *commonheaders in multiple URL patterns

YAML styling

YAML supports multi-line strings. You can wrap text like this:

query: >
  SELECT group, SUM(*) FROM table
  WHERE column > value
  GROUP BY group

This is more readable than:

query: SELECT group, SUM(*) FROM table WHERE column > value GROUP BY group ORDER BY group DESC

Access configurations programmatically

You can access your entire app’s configuration using gramex.appconfig. This has the consolidated gramex.yaml files after imports and variable substition.

This is useful when one handler (e.g. a FunctionHandler) needs information about the kwargs in another handler.

For example, if gramex.yaml has:

    pattern: /
    handler: FunctionHandler
      function: mymodule.myfunc()
      key: value

… then:

def myfunction():
    print(gramex.appconfig.url['app/home'].handler)         # prints "FunctionHandler"
    print(gramex.appconfig.url['app/home'].kwargs.key)      # prints "value"

You can access the handler class for any URL using gramex.service.url. In the above example, gramex.service.url['app/home'].handler_class is the BaseHandler subclass that will be instantiated for this URL.

This is useful when one handler (e.g. a FunctionHandler) needs to access a static or class method from another handler. A typical example is to access GoogleAuth.exchange_refresh_token().

For example:

    pattern: /google
    handler: GoogleAuth
    kwargs: ...

… then:

def refresh(handler):
    # Get the Google auth handler though which the current user logged in
    auth_handler = gramex.service.url['app/google'].handler_class
    # Exchange refresh token for access token
    yield auth_handler.exchange_refresh_token(handler.current_user)

Dynamic configuration

Gramex can re-configure itself dynamically from a YAML file or from a data structure.

Gramex loads configurations from 3 sources by default:

  1. source: gramex.yaml from $GRAMEXPATH - the default Gramex configuration
  2. base: gramex.yaml from the current directory
  3. cmd: Command line arguments

You can write a Python function to extend or modify this configuration by calling gramex.init(). For example:


This adds 2 apps:

Config Viewer

Config viewer was removed in Gramex 1.71.

Use the Gramex IDE to edit the configuration visually.