DriveHandler uploads files

v1.59. DriveHandler lets you upload files and manage them with a FormHandler-like interface. It’s better than UploadHandler. Here’s how to create a DriveHandler:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/drivedemo
    handler: DriveHandler
      path: $GRAMEXDATA/apps/guide/drive-data/ # ... save files here
      xsrf_cookies: false # TODO: Remove this in production.

Now, to upload a file into /drive, create this form.html.

<!-- POST files into /drive -->
<form action="drivedemo" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <!-- There must be a file input named "file". Multiple inputs are allowed -->
  <input name="file" type="file" multiple />
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Visit /form.html and upload a file. This saves the uploaded files in the path: you specified.

Try the uploader example

DriveHandler XSRF

Note: In the example above, we used xsrf_cookies: false to disable XSRF. That’s fine for a demo. But in production, you’ll want to enable it.

If you’re using AJAX or fetch() to upload files, DriveHandler works with (and without) XSRF disabled.

If you’re using forms, here’s an example gramex.yaml:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/drive
    handler: DriveHandler
      path: $GRAMEXDATA/apps/guide/drive-data/ # ... save files here
      # NOTE: Do not disable xsrf_cookies

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/upload
    handler: FileHandler
      path: $YAMLPATH/upload.html
      template: true # Required to create the XSRF token.

In upload.html, add this HTML:

<!-- POST files into /drive -->
<form action="drive2" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <!-- There must be a file input named "file". Multiple inputs are allowed -->
  <input name="file" type="file" multiple />
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>
  <!-- To avoid XSRF, add an _xsrf key. This REQUIRES FileHandler templates -->
  <input type="hidden" name="_xsrf" value="{{ handler.xsrf_token }}" />

Visit /upload (not upload.html) and upload a file. This saves the uploaded files in the path: you specified.

Try the uploader with XSRF

File Manager

v1.60. File Manager is an app designed to work with DriveHandler and simplifies its usage.

Try the File Manager

FileManager can be imported in a Gramex app as follows:

    path: $GRAMEXAPPS/filemanager/gramex.yaml
    YAMLURL: $YAMLURL/filemanager/

This mounts the File Manager page at /filemanager/. For each DriveHandler endpoint configured in your Gramex app, the page shows a table of files in that drive. This table can be used to:

File Manager can be configured by using FILEMANAGER_KWARGS:

    path: $GRAMEXAPPS/filemanager/gramex.yaml
    YAMLURL: $YAMLURL/filemanager/
      # Show these drives as tabs. These are YAML keys under the url: section
      drives: ["drive1", "drive2"]
      title: "MyAwesomeFileManager" # Title of the File Manager page
      logo: $YAMLPATH/data/assets/gramener.png # Logo for the File Manager page
      theme: "?font-family-base=roboto" # UI component theme query?

Once you import the File Manager, the File Manager component can be embedded in any <div> in any page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="ui/dropzone/dist/min/dropzone.min.css" />
<script src="ui/dropzone/dist/min/dropzone.min.js"></script>
<script src="ui/moment/min/moment-with-locales.min.js"></script>
<script src="filemanager/filemanager.js"></script>

<div class="filemanager" data-src="drive"></div>
  Dropzone.autodiscover = false;
  const options = {};

$().filemanager() accepts the same parameters as FormHandler. For example:

const options = {
  pageSize: 10, // Show 10 files at most
  columns: [
    // Choose the columns, order of display and title
    { name: "file", title: "File name" },
    { name: "size" },
    { name: "date" },
    { name: "mime", title: "Type" },
    { name: "delete" },

AJAX uploads

DropZone provides drag-and-drop AJAX uploads with progress bars. For example:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="ui/dropzone/dist/min/dropzone.min.css" />
<form action="upload" class="dropzone"></form>
<script src="ui/dropzone/dist/min/dropzone.min.js"></script>

creates this box:

List files

You can visit the drive URL to list the uploaded files. It’s a FormHandler endpoint. It shows these fields:

You can use FormHandler filters to list specific files. For example:

This data is stored in a SQLite DB called .meta.db in your drive path. You can retrieve it in Python via:

meta ='sqlite:///path/to/.meta.db', table='drive')


You can add any custom fields to a file upload – e.g. if users want to add a category, rating, or description to a file.

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/drive
    handler: DriveHandler
      path: $GRAMEXDATA/apps/guide/drive-data/ # ... save files here
      tags: [category, rating, description] # Add 3 tags

You can add an <input name="description"> in your form to allow users to upload a description. See an example.

You can use FormHandler filters to filter by tags. For example:

User fields

You can capture the user ID and other user attributes in the form.

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/drive
    handler: DriveHandler
      path: $GRAMEXDATA/apps/guide/drive-data/ # ... save files here
      user_fields: [id, role, hd] # Capture, user.role, user.hd

When a user uploads a file, their id, role, and hd attributes will be captured as user_id, user_role and user_hd fields. This allows you to track who uploaded files.

Only the id attribute is guaranteed to exist. Different auth handlers have their own attributes. For example, GoogleAuth uses hd for the domain. See User Attributes.

You can use FormHandler filters to filter by user attributes. For example:

Delete files

To delete a file, submit a DELETE HTTP request with an id: key. For example:

fetch("delete", {
  method: "DELETE",
  headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
  body: JSON.stringify({
    // Note: values MUST be arrays
    id: [existing_file_id],

This is exactly how FormHandler DELETE works.

Update files

To rename a file or update any other attributes, submit a PUT HTTP request with an id: key. For example:

fetch("drive", {
  method: "PUT",
  headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
  body: JSON.stringify({
    // Note: values MUST be arrays
    id: [existing_file_id],
    file: ["new-file-name.ext"],
    ext: [".ext"],
    desc: ["new description"],

Note: You cannot change a file’s id, path, size and date, nor the user_* attributes. This is mainly to rename the file and update tags.

You can overwrite a file with a PUT request. For example:

const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("id", existing_file_id);
fetch("drive", {
  method: "PUT",
  body: formData,

Pre-process uploads

DriveHandler accepts all the FormHandler transform functions.

To modify a file when uploading, use the prepare: function:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/drive
    handler: DriveHandler
      path: $GRAMEXDATA/apps/guide/drive-data/ # ... save files here
      prepare: mymodule.prepare(args, handler)

This calls mymodule.prepare(args, handler) for every request. args is the same as handler.args. For example:

def prepare(args, handler):
    # Do this only when uploading files, not retrieving the file list
    if handler.request.method == 'POST':
        # Loop through every <input name="file"> file input
        for index, upload in enumerate(handler.request.files.get('file', [])):
            # add a line at the end of each .txt file
            if upload['filename'].endswith('.txt'):
                upload['body'] += b'\n\nThis is a new line after each text file'
            # update the file size argument
            args['size'][index] += len(b'\n\nThis is a new line after each text file')

args has the inputs passed from the form. DriveHandler adds specific keys for each upload (overriding whatever was passed), and ensures that the number of values for each key matches the number of uploads.

For example, if file1.txt and file2.txt are uploaded, args looks like:

  "file": ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"],
  "ext": [".txt", ".txt"],
  "path": ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"],
  "size": [100, 200],
  "mime": ["text/plain", "text/plain"],
  "date": [1662607845, 1662607845],
  "_xsrf": ["2|fc47633f|...", "2|fc47633f|..."]

The contents of the file are in handler.request.files, which looks like this:

    "file": "file1.txt",
    "body": "Bytestring contents of file1.txt",
    "content_type": "text/plain"
    "file": "file2.txt",
    "body": "Bytestring contents of file2.txt",
    "content_type": "text/plain"

You can update the contents of handler.request.files[n]['body'] before DriveHandler saves it.

Post-process uploads

v1.85. DriveHandler accepts all the FormHandler transform functions.

To process a file after uploading, use modify::

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/drive
    handler: DriveHandler
      path: $GRAMEXDATA/apps/guide/drive-data/ # ... save files here
      modify: mymodule.modify(handler)

When modify: is called, you can use handler.files to iterate through the updated files:

def modify(handler):
    '''Return the file size on disk for each file'''
    root = handler.kwargs.path
    modify_data = {'filesize': {}}
    if handler.request.method in {'POST', 'PUT'}:
        for file in handler.files['path']:
            path = os.path.join(root, file)
            # Process the files any way you want
            modify_data['filesize'][file] = len(open(path).read())
    return modify_data

handler.files is a dict with keys from the file list plus tags, e.g.:

  'id': [1, 2, 3],
  'file': ['a.jpg', 'b.txt', 'c.png'],
  'ext': ['.jpg', '.txt', '.png'],
  'path': ['a.jpg', 'b.txt', 'c.png'],
  'size': [32238, 4270, 23519],
  'mime': ['image/jpeg', 'text/plain', 'image/png'],
  'date': [1625678317, 1629445710, 1633415479],
  'user_id': [None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
  'desc': ['', 'test', '', 'hgt', None, None, None]

The return value from such a modify function (if any) will be sent as output’s data.modify value.

  "data": {
    "filters": [],
    "ignored": [],
    "inserted": [
        "id": null
        "id": null
    "modify": {
      "filesize": {
        "file1.csv": 1312,
        "file2": 2204

Expose datasets

To expose uploaded datasets as a FormHandler API, you can add a FormHandler that points to your drive path. For example:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/data/(.*)
    handler: FormHandler
      url: $GRAMEXDATA/apps/guide/drive-data/{_0}

If you uploaded any CSV/XLSX into the DriveHandler above, see them at data/your-file.csv.

File storage path

DriveHandler stores files and metadata in the specified path: folder/directory, creating it if required.

path: defaults to $GRAMEXDATA/drivehandler/<drivehandler-url-name>. $GRAMEXDATA is a predefined variable. In this example:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/data/(.*)
    handler: FormHandler

… the default path: is $GRAMEXDATA/drivehandler/default-drive.

Distributed storage

S3 storage

v1.94 To store files in S3, use the storage: configuration. For example:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/s3drive
    handler: DriveHandler
      path: $YAMLPATH/files/
        type: s3
        bucket: path/to/my-bucket

Set up the AWS Credentials in environment variables

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=...  # Optional

This stores all files in your S3 path/to/my-bucket bucket. Metadata is still stored under the path as .meta.db.

Distributed metadata

By default, DriveHandler stores metadata in a SQLite database called .meta.db in the path: folder.

v1.94 If you have multiple servers and use distributed file storage, you can store metadata in a shared database by adding url: and table:. For example:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/drivedemo
    handler: DriveHandler
      url: "postgresql://$USER:$PASS@server/db"
      table: drive # Optional. Defaults to "drive"

Any FormHandler supported database will work.