Gramex Features

Gramex features are broken into:

  1. Microservices
    1. Services that set up microservices, alerts, etc.
    2. Handlers that define microservices as a REST API
    3. Configurations that provide common settings for microservices
  2. Components
  3. Apps

Feature usage

Run gramex features on any Gramex app to list the features used. Here’s an example:

$ gramex features
      type                       feature  count
0       MS                CaptureHandler      2
1       MS                  ComicHandler      1
2       MS                   FileHandler     67
18   KWARG                Access Control     53
19   KWARG                      Security     12
27     SVC                  Microservice      2
28     SVC                        Import      0
41  ERR-MS     handlerutil.CustomHandler      1
42  ERR-MS      handlerutil.SetupHandler      1

The columns are:

You can render the output in different formats:

Pass multiple folders, e.g. gramex features /project1/ /project2/, to sum features used across folders.


  1. alert: Alert

  2. app: Apps

  3. email: Email

  4. handlers: Microservice

  5. import: Import

  6. log: Logging

  7. schedule: Schedule

  8. sms: SMS

  9. storelocations: Store locations

  10. test: Deprecated

  11. url: Microservice

  12. variables: Variables

  13. watch: Watch


  1. BaseHandler: Deprecated

  2. BaseWebSocketHandler: Deprecated

  3. CaptureHandler: CaptureHandler

  4. Comic: ComicHandler

  5. ComicHandler: ComicHandler

  6. Command: ProcessHandler

  7. DBAuth: AuthHandlers

  8. Data: FormHandler

  9. DataHandler: Deprecated

  10. DirectoryHandler: FileHandler

  11. DriveHandler: DriveHandler

  12. EmailAuth: AuthHandlers

  13. Facebook: SocialHandlers

  14. FacebookAuth: AuthHandlers

  15. FacebookGraphHandler: SocialHandlers

  16. File: FileHandler

  17. FileHandler: FileHandler

  18. Filter: FilterHandler

  19. FilterHandler: FilterHandler

  20. FormHandler: FormHandler

  21. Function: FunctionHandler

  22. FunctionHandler: FunctionHandler

  23. GoogleAuth: AuthHandlers

  24. IntegratedAuth: AuthHandlers

  25. JSON: JSONHandler

  26. JSONHandler: JSONHandler

  27. LDAPAuth: AuthHandlers

  28. LogoutHandler: AuthHandlers

  29. ML: MLHandler

  30. MLHandler: MLHandler

  31. MLPredictor: MLPredictor

  32. Message: MessageHandler

  33. MessageHandler: MessageHandler

  34. ModelHandler: Deprecated

  35. OAuth2: AuthHandlers

  36. OpenAPI: OpenAPIHandler

  37. OpenAPIHandler: OpenAPIHandler

  38. PPTXHandler: PPTXHandler

  39. ProcessHandler: ProcessHandler

  40. Proxy: ProxyHandler

  41. ProxyHandler: ProxyHandler

  42. QueryHandler: Deprecated

  43. SAMLAuth: AuthHandlers

  44. SAMLAuth2: AuthHandlers

  45. SMSAuth: AuthHandlers

  46. Screenshot: CaptureHandler

  47. SetupFailedHandler: Deprecated

  48. SimpleAuth: AuthHandlers

  49. Slide: PPTXHandler

  50. Storage: DriveHandler

  51. Twitter: SocialHandlers

  52. TwitterAuth: AuthHandlers

  53. TwitterRESTHandler: SocialHandlers

  54. Upload: Deprecated

  55. UploadHandler: Deprecated

  56. WebSocketHandler: WebSocketHandler

  57. Websocket: WebSocketHandler


  1. auth: Access Control

  2. cors: Security

  3. error: Error handling

  4. headers: Headers

  5. log: Logging

  6. methods: Methods

  7. ratelimit: Rate limiting

  8. redirect: Redirection

  9. set_xsrf: Security

  10. transform: Transform

  11. xsrf_cookies: Security