
Transitions elements with flexible timing controls.

g1.sanddance options

It accepts 2 parameters

  1. attrs: changes any HTML / SVG attributes of the selection (e.g. fill, etc)
    • fill, stroke for color
    • x, y, cx, cy, transform, etc for position (but these are better controlled via the options)
    • etc.
  2. options: defines layout options (e.g. x, y, duration, speed, etc)
    • x: transition the elements to the x position
    • y: transition the elements to the y position
    • speed: transition at constant speed in pixels per second
    • duration: transition time in milliseconds (overrides speed)
    • delay: transition delay in milliseconds (default is 0)
    • easing: transition easing in d3-ease method (default is d3.easeLinear)
    • filter: filter the selection based on a column value (ex: age > 30)


// smoothly changes the fill color to blue in 100 ms
var turn_to_blue = g1.sanddance({ fill: "blue" }, { duration: 100 });

// g1.sanddance moves elements to the x, y specified in 100ms
var move = g1.sanddance({}, { x: 200, y: 200, duration: 100 });

// transitions at 1000 pixels/sec.
var move_at_constant_speed = g1.sanddance({}, { x: 300, y: 300, speed: 1000 });

// transitions in 100ms duration.
var move_in_duration = g1.sanddance({}, { x: 400, y: 400, duration: 100 });

// transitions after 100ms delay.
var move_after_delay = g1.sanddance({}, { x: 300, y: 300, delay: 100 });

// transitions at ease of d3.easeBounce
var move_easing = g1.sanddance(
  { x: 300, y: 300, duration: 100, easing: d3.easeBounce },

// filters the selection
var selection_filtered = g1.sanddance(
  { fill: "red" },
    duration: 100,
    filter: function (d) {
      return d.age > 30;


To apply a sequence of sanddances one after another, use g1.sanddance.chain. For example:

// chain sanddances. First, fill everything red, then move x to 200 and y to 100
    g1.sanddance({ fill: "red" }, { duration: 100 }),
    g1.sanddance({}, { x: 200, y: 100, duration: 100 }),

g1.sanddance layouts


Returns a sanddance that moves elements into a grid. Usage:

// Lay out the elements in a grid
      // Create a layout based on the data array
      layout: "grid", // lay out as a grid
      width: 400, // with width 400
      height: 300, // and height 300
      data: data, // using the specified data
      sort: "age", // sorted by the 'age' column
      ascending: false, // in descending order
      duration: 100, // in 100ms


Values can be specified as a scale. Example: fill: can be specified as below.

fill: {
  metric: 'age',
  scheme: 'RdYlGn'
// or
fill: {
  metric: 'age',      // same as function(d) { return d.age }
  scale: 'linear',
  domain: [0, 50, 100],
  range: ['red', 'yellow', 'green'],

Scales are dictionaries with the following keys:

// fill as scale config with linear scale
      fill: {
        metric: function (d) {
          return d.age;
        scale: "linear",
        domain: [0, 100],
        range: ["red", "blue"],
      layout: "grid",
      data: data,
      width: 400,
      height: 300,
      duration: 100,

// fill as scale config with scheme
      fill: {
        metric: function (d) {
          return d.age;
        scheme: "RdYlGn",
      layout: "grid",
      data: data,
      width: 400,
      height: 300,
      duration: 100,


Returns a sanddance that moves elements into a hexpack. Usage:

// Lay out the elements in a hexpack
      // Create a layout based on the data array
      layout: "hexpack", // lay out as hexpack
      width: 400, // with width 400
      height: 300, // and height 300
      data: data, // using the specified data
      sort: "age", // sorted by the 'age' column
      ascending: false, // in descending order
      duration: 100, // in 100ms

The values can also be specified as a scale config and the options definitions are same as grid.

g1.sanddance methods

sanddance.update(new_attrs, new_options) returns a new sanddance that updates the old attrs with new_attrs and the old options with new_options.

// The two lines below are the same:
g1.sanddance({ stroke: "blue" }).update({ fill: "red" });
g1.sanddance({ stroke: "blue", fill: "red" });

// Update the options
g1.sanddance({}, { delay: 100 }).update({}, { duration: 100 }),
  g1.sanddance({}, { duration: 100, delay: 100 });

g1.sanddance events

These events are triggered by the sanddance object.

All events set the d3 selection as this. For example:

// sanddance events
    .sanddance({ fill: "red" })
    .on("init.log", function () {
      console.log("init", this);
    .on("start.log", function () {
      console.log("start", this);
    .on("end.log", function () {
      console.log("end", this);