
$.translate() translates text across languages using an API compatible with Gramex translate, which is based on Google Translate.

<div lang="en" lang-target="nl">
  <h1>Hello <em>world</em></h1>
  <p>This is some <em>English</em> text</p>
  // Translate text nodes under element with lang-target=
    url: "./translate", // The Gramex translate URL endpoint

$.translate() translates child text nodes under the selector. For example:

  <h1>This will be translated</h1>
  <h2>This will also be translated</h2>
  $("body").translate({ target: "nl", url: "..." }); // Translates h1, h2 to Dutch (nl)
  $("h1").translate({ target: "de", url: "..." }); // Translates only h1 to German (de)

Each selected element can have only one source and target language. But different selected elements may have different source and target languages. For example:

<div lang="en" lang-target="nl">Translate from English to Dutch</div>
<div lang-target="hi">
  Translate from auto-detected source language to Hindi
  $("div").translate({ url: "..." }); // Translates as per the description above

$.translate attributes

Translated nodes can have these attributes:

For example:

<!-- Translates from English to Hindi using ./translate?... as the endpoint -->
<p lang="en" lang-target="hi" lang-url="./translate">...</p>

This is the same as

  source: "en", // same as lang=
  target: "hi", // same as lang-target=
  url: "./translate", // same as lang-url=

$.translate events

Once each translation is done, it fires a translate event on each DOM node that was translated. The event has these attributes:

For example:

  .on("translate", function (e) {
    // Triggered on each [lang-to] node
    // e.target is the translated node
    // e.translate[0].q is the first source text
    // e.translate[0].t is the first translated text
    // etc.

If the translation results in a HTTP error, it fires an error event on each DOM node that resulted in an error. The event has these attributes: