Bestselling Pharmaceutical Drugs

Let’s see how we can visualize the Best selling pharmaceuticals of 2017/18 using PPTXHandler.

Best selling pharmaceuticals of 2017/18

We’re aiming for a result like this:

Best selling pharmaceuticals of 2017/18

Here’s a video explaining each step of this tutorial.

Create the source template

Start by creating a template.pptx that has the static content laid out.

Slide template

All of the content is static, except for the table called Sales Table.

Create the data

The data is available from the Wikipedia. Let’s copy the data into a CSV file sales.csv.


Create the rules

Let’s set up a basic gramex.yaml file that loads the template and the data.

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/output.pptx
    handler: PPTXHandler
      version: 2
      source: $YAMLPATH/template.pptx
          url: $YAMLPATH/sales.csv

The data has fewer columns than we need, so let’s add 3 columns:

We add these columns with the Pandas transform: key. This needs a single expression, so we combine the transforms using or.

transform: >
  data.insert(3, 'Bar 2018', data['FY2018']) or
  data.insert(5, 'Bar 2017', data['FY2017']) or
  data.insert(6, 'Growth', data['FY2018'] / data['FY2017'] - 1) or

We now set up the basic formatting for the table, using sales data. This also sets the font size and vertical alignment for the entire table.

  - Sales Table:
        data: sales
        vertical-align: f'middle'
        font-size: f'11 pt'

That gives us this result.

Intermediate result

Let’s start by adjusting the table headers, and aligning the numeric columns to the right.

  - Name
  - Indication
  - '<p align="right">FY2018</p>'
  - ""
  - '<p align="right">FY2017</p>'
  - ""
  - '<p align="right">Growth</p>'

Now, let’s look at the text. The first two columns are straight-forward.

  Name: cell.val
  Indication: cell.val

For the numbers, we just need to right align them and add a comma separator (e.g. “10,000” instead of “10000”). We use Python string formatting for this.

FY2018: f'<p align="right">{cell.val:,}</p>'
FY2017: f'<p align="right">{cell.val:,}</p>'

Numbers with commas

For the bars, we repeat the same “█” character multiple times, using

For every $1,000 million (or a billion) of sales, we show one “█”.

Bar 2018: f'<a color="accent_1" font-name="Arial" font-size="6pt">' + ('█' * int(cell.val / 1000)) + '</a>'
Bar 2017: f'<a color="accent_1" font-name="Arial" font-size="6pt">' + ('█' * int(cell.val / 1000)) + '</a>'

Bars using repeated characters

We’ve manually added spaces between character to give you an idea of character width.

Finally, the Growth column has a red ▼ or a green ▲ depending on whether growth was positive or negative.

Growth: f'<p align="right">{cell.val:.1%} ' +
  ('<a color="red">▼</a>' if cell.val < 0 else '<a color="green">▲</a>') +

Growth value

Finally, let’s adjust the width of these columns (determined by trial and error).

  Name: 1
  Indication: 2.5
  FY2018: 1
  Bar 2018: 1.5
  FY2017: 1
  Bar 2017: 1.5
  Growth: 1

This is the final configuration

See the result

This is the output PPTX

Final Slide