Rate Limit APIs

Rate limit

v1.86. Every handler supports rate-limiting via the ratelimit config. For example, this allows 50 hits per user per day:

    pattern: /api
    handler: FormHandler # or any handler
      # ...
        keys: [daily, user]
        limit: 50

Rate limit example

Rate limit keys

keys define how to rate-limit. It’s an array of strings, or a comma-separated list of strings:

        # Set a weekly limit by user
        keys: [weekly, user]
        # Another way to set weekly limit by user
        keys: weekly, user
        # Set a daily limit globally
        keys: [daily]

keys can be:

Ratelimit key functions

keys can also be defined with functions. For example:

  # Restrict by user's email domain name
  - function: handler.current_user.email.split('@')[-1]
  # Refresh every 10 days
  - function: pd.Timestamp.utcnow().ceil(freq='10D').isoformat()
    expiry: int((pd.Timestamp.utcnow().ceil(freq='10D') - pd.Timestamp.utcnow()).total_seconds())
  # Refresh every 30 minutes
  - function: pd.Timestamp.utcnow().ceil(freq='30T').isoformat()
    expiry: int((pd.Timestamp.utcnow().ceil(freq='30T') - pd.Timestamp.utcnow()).total_seconds())

v1.92. Use key: expression to define a time-based keys like hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly:

          # Set different frequencies for different users
          - key: 'daily' if handler.current_user['role'] == 'admin' else 'monthly'

Rate limit limit

limit is the maximum number of successful requests to the page. This can be a number, or a function that returns a number. For example:

# Set a constant limit of 50
        limit: 50
# Limit to 50 for logged-in users, 10 for others
        limit: {function: 50 if handler.current_user else 10}

Rate limit headers

On each request, Gramex computes the keys and limit, looks up usage for that key, and sets these HTTP headers:

If the usage exceeds the limit, Gramex raises a HTTP 429 Too Many Requests response. This can be formatted via a custom error page.

If the response is successful, the usage increments by 1. If the response is a HTTP 5xx or HTTP 4xx, usage stays the same.

Rate limit pools

If a single API has multiple URLs (e.g. /api1, /api2, etc), add the same ratelimit.pool: to all. This combines their usage. For example:

    pattern: /api1
    handler: FormHandler # or any handler
      # ...
      ratelimit: &API_POOL
        pool: my-api-pool
        keys: [daily, user]
        limit: 50
    pattern: /api2
    handler: FormHandler # or any handler
      # ...
        <<: *API_POOL # Copy config from earlier

Calling /api1 and api2 increase the SAME usage counter by 1.

Rate limit reset

To reset the API usage for any key, call handler.ratelimit_reset(pool, keys) from any FunctionHandler. For example, this sets the usage of x@example.com on 2022-01-01 to zero.

handler.ratelimit_reset('my-api-pool', ['2022-01-01', 'x@example.com'])

Rate limit store

Rate limit usage data is stored in a cache. It’s location is defined in app.ratelimit in Gramex’s own gramex.yaml:

    # Save in a JSON store
    type: json
    path: $GRAMEXDATA/ratelimit.json
    # Flush every 30 seconds. Clear expired sessions every hour
    flush: 30
    purge: 3600

This configuration works exactly like sessions. To use a Redis store, use:

    type: redis
    path: localhost:6379:1 # Redis server:port:db (default: localhost:6379:0)
    # flush: 30   # Redis stores are live. No flush required
    purge: 3600

Access rate limits

v1.91. You can access rate limits for the current request via handler.get_ratelimit(). This returns a rate limit object like this:

  "limit": 3,     # the limit on the rate limit
  "usage": 2,     # the usage so far  (BEFORE current request, e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3, ...)
  "remaining": 0, # remaining requests (AFTER current request, e.g. 2, 1, 0, 0, ...)
  "expiry": 103,  # seconds to expiry for this rate limit

If there are multiple rate limits, it picks the one with least remaining usage.

Multiple rate limits

v1.91. ratelimit can be an array of rate limit configurations. For example, to set 2 limit:

  - pool: daily-user-pool
    keys: [daily, user]
    limit: 30
  - pool: daily-pool
    keys: [daily]
    limit: 100
  1. When Alice visits, her daily-user-pool becomes 9, and the daily-pool becomes 99
  2. When Bob visits, his daily-user-pool becomes 9, and the daily-pool becomes 98
  3. When Alice visits again, her daily-user-pool becomes 8, and the daily-pool becomes 97

The Rate limit headers are computed from the smallest remaining pool.

You can reset rate limits for each pool independently.