Gramex 1.32 Release Notes

Logviewer configuration

Log viewer is now configurable. When importing logviewer, you can:

Gramex init

gramex init now adds a .stylelintrc file that checks for CSS issues. The .htmllintrc file is also improved

Tornado 5.0

Gramex now supports Tornado 5.0 on Python 3. Tornado 5.0 uses the native asyncio library. This meant re-writing some of Gramex’s internals.

There are still a few kinks to sort out, though.

YAML merge variables

gramex.yaml supports an import.merge: key that copy-pastes a configuration in-place. This is mainly used when writing re-usable Gramex applications / services. See merging variables.

CaptureHandler Proxy

CaptureHandler with Chrome respects proxy environment variables. If your proxy IP is on port 8000, then set ALL_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY or HTTP_PROXY to

Internal bugfixes

Gramex internals have a few important bug fixes.



To upgrade Gramex, run:

pip install --verbose gramex==1.32

This downloads Chromium and other front-end dependencies. That may take time.