Gramex 1.36 Release Notes

SMS Auth

Users can log into Gramex just using a mobile phone with a one time password sent via SMS using SMSAuth. No password or configuration required.

SMS Auth flow

This requires setting up an SMS service.

Exotel SMS service

Apart from supporting the Amazon SNS API to send SMS messages, Gramex also supports the Exotel SMS interface. Exotel supports high volume transactional messages. More importantly, it supports delivery status responses – which Amazon SNS API does not.

Redis Store

You can now run Gramex instances on multiple machines and load balance them. User sessions can be shared across instances using Redis - a fast in-memory database.

Specifically, nginx need not use ip_hash. Users behind a proxy who have the same IP address can still be distributed across instances.


g1.mapviewer lets you create interactive maps. Mapviewer is an abstraction over Leaflet that can create common GIS applications using configurations.

Mapviewer requires npm install leaflet d3 d3-scale-chromatic g1.

SMS Auth flow

Read Documenation

Bug fixes

FormHandler used to create a new database connection for certain kinds of new queries. This leak is now plugged. #423

Gramex error templates (like those reporting 500 errors or 404 errors) allowed unescaped user input. If the URL was /path<script>alert(0)</script>, it would report a HTTP 404 with the script injected into the page. This is fixed. #418

Python 3 tests

Gramex test cases automatically run on Python 3, thanks to the new Python 3 build environment in .gitlab-ci.yml has:

  only: [dev, master]
  tags: [py3]
    - python nosetests

Other enhancements

g1 $.formhandler table cell format is more flexible. It can be a function that accepts an object with the column name, cell value, row data, and full dataset

logviewer now exposes pd.Series.str methods to transform data. For example, you may want lowercase



To upgrade Gramex, run:

pip install --verbose gramex==1.36

This downloads Chromium and other front-end dependencies. That may take time.