Gramex 1.39 Release Notes


Gramex can allows you to run JavaScript code via node.js using gramex.pynode.node. Using Gramex FunctionHandlers you can run JavaScript code in node.js. Here is a simple example:

from gramex.pynode import node
from tornado.gen import coroutine, Return

def total(handler):
    result = yield node.js('return Math.abs(x + y)', x=5, y=-10)    # Run code in JS
    raise Return(result)

This returns the result:

{ "error": null, "result": 5 }

See the documentation.

UI Components


Mapviewer tutorial covers g1.mapviewer usage with examples. g1.mapviewer is an abstraction over Leaflet that can create common GIS applications using configurations.




Logviewer documentation now has a section describing how logviewer.db is created. And, covers in detail how metrics are calculated, in particular session relation calculations and scenarios.

Developer Updates

Bug fixes



To upgrade Gramex, run:

pip install --verbose gramex==1.39

To upgrade apps dependencies, run:

gramex setup --all

This downloads Chromium and other front-end dependencies. That may take time.