Gramex 1.41 Release Notes

Python console

Admin module now comes with web-based python console. This embedded Python console executes within the context of the Gramex instance.

Python Console

Read the documentation on how to set it up admin page.

Error Reporting

We now report error more meaningful information on incorrect gramex.yaml url config. If a url: configuration has an error (e.g. the kwargs are wrongly specified)

    pattern: /invalid
    handler: DBAuth # do not add any kwargs

We now report error message like

Error reporting

g1 urlfilter

Gramex guide now features g1 urlfilter examples

Contributed by @jaiprakash.siyyadri

AJAX Uploads

Guide now has example for UploadHandler AJAX usage via DropZone

40X reporting

We now show user info in 403 error.


Added a separate 401 error page


Most applications fail to add a favicon.ico. This leads to several HTTP 404 errors, wasted bandwidth and wasted computing

By default, Gramex now provide a default favicon.ico from the Gramex/ directory.

No change is required in the code.

Gramex Update

Gramex update app now shows usage stats. Currently, restricted to @gramener folks.

Developer Updates


g1.js is upgraded to 0.9.0

UI Components

UI Componenet’s Bootstrap is upgraded to 4.1. Read the highlights here


We’ve now added cutoff_buffer parameter to add minutes to first and last request in a session, while calculating logviewer session time.

We’ve added a search box to guide home page, to make it easier for you to search topics.

Link Checker tests if all links on the Gramex Guide are working.


Gramex installation instructions are now simplified a bit.

Bug fixes



Note: gramex >= 1.41 requires Anaconda >= 5.2.0

To upgrade Gramex, run:

pip install --verbose gramex==1.41

To upgrade apps dependencies, run:

gramex setup --all

This downloads Chromium and other front-end dependencies. That may take time.