Gramex 1.42 Release Notes

Admin Module

From v1.42, Gramex ships with an admin page. To include it in your page, use:

    path: $GRAMEXAPPS/admin2/gramex.yaml # Note the "admin2" instead of "admin"
    YAMLURL: /$YAMLURL/admin/ # URL to show the admin page at

Note the admin2 instead of admin

You can configure the admin page as follows:

    path: $GRAMEXAPPS/admin2/gramex.yaml
    YAMLURL: /$YAMLURL/admin-kwargs/ # URL to show the admin page at
      logo: # Logo URL
      title: Admin  Page Options # Navbar title
      components: [info, users, shell] # Components to show
      theme: "?primary=%2320186f&dark=%2320186f&font-family-base=roboto&body-bg=%23f8f8f8" # Bootstrap theme query

The ADMIN_KWARGS section accepts the following parameters:

Read the documentation on how to set it up admin page.

Offline Docker Install

You can now install gramex with Offline Docker Install. This allows you to ship gramex applications to machines that aren’t always connected to internet.


webshell now supports arrow keys to navigate history.

Python Console

Read the documentation on how to set it up admin page.

Developer Updates

Bug fixes



Note: gramex >= 1.41 onwards requires Anaconda >= 5.2.0

To upgrade Gramex, run:

pip install --verbose gramex==1.42

To upgrade apps dependencies, run:

gramex setup --all

This downloads Chromium and other front-end dependencies. That may take time.