Gramex 1.46 Release Notes

Chord diagrams, Circle packs, Boxplots, Radial charts, Sunburst, Donut charts and few more examples are added to chart gallery


(Contributions from: @vikky.a, @lakshmi.s )

More examples & utilities will be added, watch out this space for more updates.

See the chart gallery.


ModelHandler exposes machine learning models as APIs that applications can use via Python or over a REST API.

To do so, add a modelhandler endpoint

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/model/(.*?)/(.*?)
    handler: ModelHandler
      path: $YAMLPATH # The local directory to store model files/training data etc.

You could submit URL query parameters like FormHandler `/model//?col1=val1&col2=val2&col1=val3.. to train a dataset, classify a record, inserts data, delete model etc.

This will help you create quick forms like below


See the documentation.


Admin info

The info page shows information about versions, paths and other details about Gramex and its dependencies.

To enable it, ensure that you specify:

This exposes JSON data at <admin-page>/info as a list of objects consistent with FormHandler.

    {"section":"git","key":"version","value":"git version 2.15.1\n","error":""},{"section":"gramex","key":"memory usage","value":153411584,"error":""},

See the documentation.

See the Admin info.

Admin console (webshell)

Webshell now makes handler object avaiable to the user. This will make handler related debugging easier.


Developer Updates


gramex init uses bootstrap.bundle.js in instead of adding popper.js

You can use

<script src="ui/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="ui/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script>

Other Updates

gramex init

We’ve added an asciinema for gramex init



Note: gramex >= 1.41 onwards requires Anaconda >= 5.2.0

To upgrade Gramex, run:

pip install --verbose gramex==1.46

To upgrade apps dependencies, run:

gramex setup --all

This downloads Chromium and other front-end dependencies. That may take time.