Gramex 1.56 release notes

Vega parameter substitution

Vega charts now support parameter substitution

For example, with below configuration you can control CHART_TYPE, COL_DIMENSION, COL_METRIC from URL args ?_format=barchart&CHART_TYPE=bar&COL_METRIC=c4

            mark: '{CHART_TYPE}'
              x: {field: '{COL_DIMENSION}', type: ordinal}     # COL_DIMENSION set to dim for ?COL_METRIC=dim
              y: {field: '{COL_METRIC}', type: quantitative}   # COL_METRIC set to val for ?COL_METRIC=val

URL Driven Dashboards Tutorial

Guide tutorials are restructed and updated to effectively guide you to build URL Driven Dashboards.

List of current tutorials:

Chrome device emulation

Chrome capture now supports device emulation.

For example, ?emulate=iPhone 6&... uses iPhone 6 userAgent for device emulation. This is useful for external websites where content is served based on device userAgent.

Puppeteer version is upgraded to 1.17.0

UI component upgrades

g1 is upgraded from 0.17.0 to 0.17.1, which introduces

Other UI components have also been updated to the latest patch versions.

Other enhancements

Bug fixes


The Gramex code base has:

How to upgrade

To upgrade Gramex, run:

pip install --upgrade gramex
pip install --upgrade gramexenterprise    # If you use DBAuth, LDAPAuth, etc.
gramex setup --all