Gramex 1.67 release notes

Gramex 1.67 introduces MLHandler (to train, deploy and re-train models) and simpler names for micro-services.

Train ML models

MLHandler helps you embed ML models that can be trained on user-provided data.

You can embed a scikit-learn, statsmodels or tensorflow/keras model. For example:

    pattern: /rugby
    handler: MLHandler
        class: SVC # Embed sklearn.svm.SVC
        target_col: ans # Predict the "ans" column

You can send HTTP requests to /rugby to teach it that tall heavy boys make the male rugby team. Suppose this data is in data.csv:

| sex | height | weight | ans |
|   m |    190 |     90 |   Y |
|   m |    185 |     85 |   Y |
|   m |    180 |     80 |   Y |
|   m |    150 |     80 |   N |
|   m |    180 |     60 |   N |
|   f |    180 |     80 |   N |

You can append the data and train the model. (Typically using AJAX requests.)

# Append the data
$ curl -X POST -F "file=@data.csv" '/rugby?_action=append'

# Re-train the model
$ curl -X POST '/rugby?_action=retrain'
{"score": 1.0}

Now, you can check if a 190cm 80kg boy and a 150cm 80kg boy will get in.

$ curl '/rugby?sex=m&height=190&weight=80'    # 190cm 80kg boy
["Y"]                                         #   will get in
$ curl '/rugby?sex=m&height=150&weight=80'    # 150cm 80kg boy
["N"]                                         #   won't get in

As the users keep adding data and re-training the model, it keeps improving.

Simpler handler names

Handlers are now called micro-services, and identified in gramex.yaml via service: instead of handler:.

The names of these handlers is also simplified. So you can now use:

New version instead of old version
service: Command handler: ProcessHandler
service: Data handler: FormHandler
service: Facebook handler: FacebookGraphHandler
service: File handler: FileHandler
service: Filter handler: FilterHandler
service: Function handler: FunctionHandler
service: ML handler: MLHandler
service: Proxy handler: ProxyHandler
service: Screenshot handler: CaptureHandler
service: Slide handler: PPTXHandler
service: Storage handler: DriveHandler
service: Twitter handler: TwitterRESTHandler
service: Websocket handler: WebSocketHandler

Going forward, the new version will be preferred, and documentation accordingly. But the old version will continue to work until deprecated.

Other improvements

Bug fixes

What next

Gramex 1.68 will be released on 1 Feb 2021 and will feature a new “Forms” app. It’s like an embeddable Google Forms that you can use in any app.


The Gramex code base has:


How to install

See the Gramex installation and upgrade instructions

Note: Gramex 1.67 does not work with Python 3.8. We recommend Python 3.7.