Gramex 1.68 release notes

Gramex 1.68 introduces UI Factory – an app that allows users and developers to create and customize user interfaces using drag-and-drop.

This release in ALPHA. Please do not use it in production.

UI Factory - Forms

Currently, the UI Factory lets you create forms using a UI. This also makes it easy for business users to edit forms (like Google or Survey Monkey) and embed them in an app.

Add fields

Users can add new fields using the UI.

Add fields and reorder

Edit fields

Users can configure the form (e.g. form name, description) and fields (e.g field label, default value, etc.) using the UI.

Edit fields

Collect responses

These forms act as mini applications by themselves, and can collect user responses.



Embed form

Users can embed this form in the app using JavaScript.


Here’s a sample embed code:

<script src=".../forms/ui/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="form-container">
  <script src=".../forms/embed/73.js"></script>

Note: The embed code shows the actual server instead of ....

Import secrets

If you run multiple apps in the same instance, each app may need a different .secrets.yaml file.

You can now use SECRETS_IMPORT: */.secrets.yaml in your .secrets.yaml file to import secrets from other apps or directories.

Bug fixes

The SCSS library we use (node-sass) does not work on Windows 64 with the latest versions of NodeJS (ref), leading to the error Node Sass does not yet support your current environment. Gramex now uses more stable versions of NodeJS to avoid this.

What next

Gramex 1.69 will be released on 1 Mar 2021 and will feature an improved Log Viewer.


The Gramex code base has:

How to install

See the Gramex installation and upgrade instructions

Note: Gramex 1.68 does not work with Python 3.8. We recommend Python 3.7.