Gramex 1.77 release notes

Gramex 1.77 supports API keys, secure MongoDB access, session cookies, and more.

API keys support

API keys let users access services as if they were logged-in users. These are like one-time passwords, but can be used multiple times, until expiry.

These are useful to provide allow services (e.g. bots, apps, scripts) to act on behalf of a user. For example, to fetch data, trigger a refresh, etc.

Add this code to a FunctionHandler or any Python code in a handler:

expiry = 24 * 60 * 60                 # Expires in 24 hours
key = handler.apikey(expire=expiry)   # Create API key as current user

This creates an API key string for the currently logged-in user that expires after 24 hours.

To create an API key for a different user, use:

expiry = 24 * 60 * 60                           # Expires in 24 hours
user = {'id': 'alpha'}                          # User to create API key for
key = handler.apikey(expire=expiry, user=user)  # Create key as specified user

When a user visits any page with ?gramex-key=<key> added, or with a X-Gramex-Key: <key> header, the user is logged in for that session. handler.current_user is set to the user object.

API key example

Secure MongoDB access

It’s now possible to connect securely to a MongoDB instance using TLS/SSL.

An example of a secure MongoDB access configuration is:

    pattern: /mongodb/
    handler: FormHandler
      url: "mongodb://$USER:$"
      database: db_name
      collection: collection_name
      tls: true
      tlsCAFile: /path/to/ca.pem # OPTIONAL path to CA certificate
      tlsCertificateKeyFile: /path/to/client.pem # OPTIONAL path to Client certificate

Here are tips on troubleshooting errors

Session cookies

Gramex allows setting session cookies (that expire when the browser is closed, normally). To enable these, use:

    expiry: false # Sessions expire when browser closes

You can specify it just for a single login handler rather than the entire app:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/expiry
    handler: SimpleAuth # session_expiry works on DBAuth, GoogleAuth, etc too
      session_expiry: false # Sessions expire when browser closes
      # ...

SameSite cookies

Gramex also supports the samesite cookie attribute. Strict sends cookies only for requests from the same site. Lax (the default) sends cookies across sites.

An example of a secure cookie configuration is:

    httponly: true # Allow JavaScript access via document.cookie
    secure: true # Cookies can be accessed only via HTTPS (not HTTP)
      Strict # Browser sends the cookie only for same-site requests.
      # Values can be Strict, Lax or None. (Case-sensitive)
    domain: # All subdomains in * can access session

Bug fixes

Backward compatibility & security

Gramex 1.77 is backward compatible with previous releases unless the release notes say otherwise. Automated builds test this.

Every Gramex release is tested for security vulnerabilities using the following tools.

  1. Bandit tests for back-end Python vulnerabilities. See Bandit results
  2. npm-audit tests for front-end JavaScript vulnerabilities. See npm-audit results
  3. Snyk for front-end and back-end vulnerabilities. See Synk results
  4. ClamAV for anti-virus scans. See ClamAV results


The Gramex code base has:

How to install

See the Gramex installation and upgrade instructions.