Gramex 1.79 release notes

Gramex 1.79 supports multiple default filenames, relative opens in templates, and distributed OTP.

Multiple default filenames

FileHandler supports multiple default filenames.

When FileHandler points to a directory, you could specify a default file, e.g. index.html like this:

    pattern: /dir/
    handler: FileHandler
      path: dir/
      default_filename: index.html

If index.html is missing, it serves a directory listing or reports an error.

But if the default filename may vary, e.g. some folders use a and some use an index.html, you can specify a sequence of fallbacks like this:

    pattern: /dir/
    handler: FileHandler
      path: dir/
        - default.template.html # Serve this as a template, if it exists
        - index.html # Else serve this as HTML
        - # Else serve this as Markdown to HTML

Relative opens in templates

In a Python script,'data.json', rel=True) reads data.json relative to the Python script, i.e. from the same folder where the Python script is.

But in a template,'data.json', rel=True) used to read data.json relative to where Gramex was run from.

This is now fixed. For example, if an index.template.html has this code:

{% set data ='data.json', rel=True) %}

… it reads data.json from the same folder where index.template.html is.

Distributed OTP and API keys

By default, OTPs and API keys are stored locally in a SQLite database.

If you load-balance a Gramex app across multiple servers, the OTPs and API keys created on one server won’t be shared with the other servers.

To share the keys, add an otp: service to gramex.yaml that points to a shared database:

  url: mysql+pymysql://root@server/db
  table: otp

The url can point to any FormHandler compatible database. The table can be any new table name. Gramex tries to create it with the following columns. You can point to any existing table with these columns too:

Backward compatibility & security

Gramex 1.79 is backward compatible with previous releases unless the release notes say otherwise. Automated builds test this.

Every Gramex release is tested for security vulnerabilities using the following tools.

  1. Bandit tests for back-end Python vulnerabilities. See Bandit results
  2. npm-audit tests for front-end JavaScript vulnerabilities. See npm-audit results
  3. Snyk for front-end and back-end vulnerabilities. See Synk results
  4. ClamAV for anti-virus scans. See ClamAV results


The Gramex code base has:

How to install

See the Gramex installation and upgrade instructions.