Different configurations for different machines

Gramex 1.23 lets you set up different configurations for different machines.

For example, this sets up different authentications based on the machine name:

auth if socket.gethostname() == 'uat':  # on uat.gramener.com
    pattern: /login
    handler: LDAPAuth
auth if 'win' in sys.platform:          # on any Windows machine
    pattern: /login
    handler: IntegratedAuth
auth if HOME.startswith('D:')           # If running on D: drive

If if is present in any key, the portion after if is evaluated as a Python expression. All YAML variables are available as Python variables.

Conditions are evaluated in order. The last applied condition is used.

Please feel free to use this to set up different configurations (e.g. authentication, logging) across different systems.