
TwitterRESTHandler offers a proxy for the Twitter 1.1 REST API. Here is an example:

    pattern: /twitter/(.*)
    handler: TwitterRESTHandler
      # Visit to get these keys
      key: "..."
      secret: "..."
      header: Referer
      url: /$YAMLURL/

Follow the steps for Twitter auth to get the keys above.

Now, follow these steps:

  1. Click on /twitter/search/tweets.json?q=beer
  2. The first time you click on this, you get an “access token missing” error
  3. So visit /twitter/ to log into Twitter
  4. Now re-visit /twitter/search/tweets.json?q=beer
  5. This searches for tweets about beer

Twitter Pre-auth

If you don’t want the user to log in, and want to use a pre-authorised login, add the following to the kwargs: section:

    pattern: /twitter-open/(.*)
    handler: TwitterRESTHandler
      # Visit to get these keys
      key: "..."
      secret: "..."
      access_key: "..."
      access_secret: "..."

Now /twitter-open/search/tweets.json?q=beer even without you logging into Twitter. It runs on behalf of the developer with their access token.

To use this via jQuery, use this snippet:


Twitter Paths

To hard-code a specific REST API, use the path: parameter. For example:

        pattern: /twitter/search          # Maps this URL
        handler: TwitterRESTHandler
            path: search/tweets.json      # specifically to the API

… maps /twitter/search to with the relevant authentication.

Twitter OAuth

A typical Twitter app page will have the following flow:

  1. Fetch the response via an AJAX query to the TwitterHandler
  2. If there’s no error, display the response
  3. If there’s an error,
    • if the access token is missing, ask the user to log in

For example:

  .done(function (data) {
  .fail(function (xhr, status, msg) {
    if (msg == "access token missing")
      location.href = "twitter/"; // Redirect the user to log in
    else alert(msg); // Alert if it's some other error

After the login, users can be redirected via the redirect: config documented the redirection configuration.

Twitter persist

If your app needs to persist the user’s access token, add access_key: persist and access_secret: persist to the kwargs. The first time, the user is asked to log in. Thereafter, the user’s credentials are available for all future requests.

This is typically used to show authenticated information on behalf of a user to the public. Typically, such requests are cached as well. Here is a sample configuration:

    pattern: /persist/(.*)
    handler: TwitterRESTHandler
      key: "..."
      secret: "..."
      access_key: persist # Persist the access token after first login
      access_secret: persist # Persist the access token after first login
      duration: 300 # Cache requests for 5 seconds

Here is a sample response:

fetch("persist/statuses/home_timeline.json?count=1"); // OUTPUT

The first time, you get an access_key error. Visit /persist/ to log in. Thereafter, your access_key and access_secret will be stored and used for future requests until it expires, or a user logs in again at /persist/.

The following request searches for mentions of Gramener and fetches the first response:

fetch("twitter-open/search/tweets.json?q=gramener&count=1"); // OUTPUT

The endpoint /search/tweets.json is the same as that in the Twitter API, which internally acts as an input to the api Gramex endpoint.

Search results are paginated. Fetch .search_metadata.next_results to get the next page. For example:

function twitter_search(query) {
  fetch("twitter-open/search/tweets.json" + query)
    .then((r) => r.json())
    .then((result) => {
      // Show the result
      // Fetch next results if any
      if (result.search_metadata.next_results)
// Keep searching for tweets by Gramener

Twitter followers

This script fetches the list of followers for Gramener:

fetch("twitter-open/followers/list.json?screen_name=gramener&count=1"); // OUTPUT

Twitter transforms

You can use the transform: configuration to modify the response in any way. It can be any expression or pipeline. Here is a transform that adds the sentiment to each tweet:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/sentiment
    handler: TwitterRESTHandler
      path: search/tweets.json
              function: twitterutils.add_sentiment

Here’s what twitterutils.add_sentiment looks for the last about Gramener:

from textblob import TextBlob
def add_sentiment(result, handler):
    for tweet in result['statuses']:
        blob = TextBlob(tweet['text'])
        tweet['sentiment'] = blob.sentiment.polarity
    return result

This transforms the tweets to add a sentiment: key measuring its sentiment.

fetch("sentiment?q=gramener&count=1"); // OUTPUT

The transform should either return a JSON-encodable object, or a string.

Transforms are executed in a separate thread. This makes the application more responsive. But you need to ensure that your code is thread-safe.

To append all tweets into a JSON-Line file, use a function like this:

def save_tweet_transform(result, handler):
    with open('tweets.jsonl', 'a') as out:
        for status in result['statuses']:
          json.dump(status, out + '\n')
    return result

You can then include this in the TwitterHandler transform section as follows:

              function: module.save_tweet_transform

Parallel AJAX requests

The TwitterRESTHandler processes results asynchronously. So when one request is being processed, it can process another as well.

Here, we send two requests. The time taken for both requests is almost the same as the time taken for each individual request. They execute in parallel.

We use Promise.all to wait for all requests.

// Latest tweet for Gramener
var q1 = fetch("twitter-open/search/tweets.json?q=gramener&count=1");
// Latest tweet for Richard Dawkins
var q2 = fetch("twitter-open/search/tweets.json?q=RichardDawkins&count=1");
Promise.all(q1, q2); // OUTPUT

Twitter GET requests

The methods: parameter specifies which methods to use to access the API. The default is [GET, POST]. You can replace it with [POST] to just use POST. This prevents external sites from requesting the page. Note that you need to handle XSRF for POST requests.

        pattern: /twitter/search          # Maps this URL
        handler: TwitterRESTHandler
            methods: [POST]               # Allow only POST requests

Twitter streaming

The Twitter streaming API provides a live source of tweets. This can be set up as a schedule:

    function: TwitterStream
      track: beer,wine # Track these keywords
      follow: Starbucks,Microsoft # OR follow these users' tweets
      path: tweets.{:%Y-%m-%d}.jsonl # Save the results in this file
      # Visit to get these keys
      key: ...
      secret: ...
      access_key: ...
      access_secret: ...
      flush: 60 # Flush data every 60 seconds
    startup: true # Run on startup
    thread: true # in a separate thread (REQUIRED)

This runs the TwitterStream class on startup in a separate thread. TwitterStream opens a permanent connection to Twitter and receives all tweets matching either beer or wine. It also receives any tweets from @Starbucks and @Microsoft.

The results are saved in (The extension .jsonl indicates the JSON Lines format.) You can use standard Python date formatting. For example, {:%b-%Y}.jsonl will create files like Jan-2016.jsonl, Feb-2016.jsonl, etc. while {:%H-%M}.jsonl will save the tweets into an hour-minute files. (It will append to the file, so you won’t lose data.)

Note: You can run multiple Twitter streams, but you need different access keys for each.