NPS Analytics Solution

Improve NPS and customer behaviour with sentiment & satisfaction analysis
Gramener Generative AI Solutions

Know your net promoter score (NPS)

NPS is the Leading and Most Popular Customer Experience (CX) Metric

  • To calculate your Net Promoter Score, subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. It is that simple. Let’s understand with an example; if 50% of the respondents are Promoters and 30% are Detractors, your NPS is 50 – 30 = 20
  • NPS measures the likelihood of repeat business and provides a ‘big picture’ view of customer behavior
  • NPS provides inputs for direction of organization change and improvement
  • NPS is a great way to track change over time
  • NPS is easier to benchmark against competition

ML-driven NPS analytics solution Architecture

Customer Journey Identification will help businesses prioritize operations as per the Customer ranks and feedback provided. Here’s a Machine Learning model enabled NPS Analytics solution architecture that identifies NPS score through Sentiment & Satisfaction Analysis with an accuracy of 84%. Gramener’s Customer Analytics solution can help you identify factors for customer intimacy and curate engaging customer experiences throughout journey.

Rank your customer's journey

Identify potential NPS drivers in 4 steps

Extract And Process NPS Data

The first step of our NPS analytics process is to extract the data from the survey which broadly consists of satisfaction scores across all rating questions, and demographic data along with the open text feedback.

Run NPS Analytics Model

Then we do the data cleansing to focus only on the survey questions that drive customer satisfaction.

We map the customer journey with each question of the respective business KPI.

We use methodologies such as text analytics (NLP) and sentiment analysis to get the overall impact on the Net Promoter Score across the customer journey stages.

Visualize Customer Journey

The third step is to integrate your data with visual analytics applications to capture non-obvious insights. We record the impact of satisfaction analysis by visualizing trends in the customer journey rankings. Then, we weave every insight into a story to derive decisions to improve customer satisfaction scores.

Visualize NPS Score Through Gramex

Final stroke. Get out of the code-intensive data applications and reap the benefits of Gramex, a low-code development platform that rapidly connects to any data source and massively reduces time to derive insights.

Our proven NPS analytics Methodology


Break a sentence into words to produce a structural description of an input sentence using text analysis techniques

Theme Identification

Identify relevant keywords obtained from tokenization and map into different themes

Theme Mapping

Classify the keywords under the themes and tag with comments using Active Learning Algorithm

Sentiment Analytics

Classify the sentiments into positive, negative, and neutral category to identify NPS

Impact Analysis

Use the Likelihood-to-Recommend (LTR) scores and the sentiments tagged to identify the impact of LTR

Impact Analysis

Rank the themes based on the highest to lowest degree of impact

Get actionable insights on-the-go

This Single visual puts all the Net Promoter Score analysis into perspective Greens are Great. High Impact on Satisfaction and good revenue uplift

Reds are Fatal. High impact on Satisfaction but low sentiment

Ambers are potential risks. Low on impact but are low on revenue too

Greys are irrelevant. High impact but don’t impact the revenue by much

Check out more resources on customer and NPS analysis

Ultimate Net Promoter Score Guide

Why look around to learn NPS when we have the ultimate Net Promoter Score Guide. Know what is NPS, how to calculate it, Who are promoters, Detractors and Passives.

How to Calculate Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS gives meaningful insights on how likely a customer will recommend your brand. Explore different methods to calculate NPS such as on MS Excel, with free web tools and extensive ML models.

What is Churn Analysis And How to Retain Customers

In this blog, we explore the factors contributing to customer churn and how an organization can implement churn analysis to achieve an improved customer experience.

Best SaaS Customer Retention Strategies

Know how a SaaS model works and how SaaS businesses can improve customer retention with Gramener’s customer analytics methods.

The ROI For The Customer Experience (CX) Efforts

Know how an organization can measure the ROI of its efforts for a better customer experience (CX) by using Gramener’s 6-stage model.

Know Your Customer's Sentiments

Know how social media sentiment analysis works and what are the tools that can help you bring out actionable customer insights.

Improve Consumer Journey And Experience with Customer Intelligence

Listen to the podcast where IBM hosted Gramener to talk about customer intelligence and how brands gather meaningful insights about customer behavior to improve decision making.

Frequently Asked questions on NPS

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is used to measure customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. NPS defines, on a scale of 0 – 10, how likely the customer would recommend your product or service to their friends/family or any other potential prospect. NPS is calculated by subtracting the number of detractors from the number of promoters. For example, if Promoter=70, Detractor=10, Passive=20. Then NPS = 70-10=60. This score may vary on the scale from -100 to +100.
Customers who rate your service/product with a 9 or 10 to the NPS question are called promoters. These customers are very happy with your product and services and they are most likely to recommend your company to other connections.
Customers who rate your service/product in between 0 – 6 to the NPS question are called detractors. These customers are very unlikely to recommend your product or services to others. There are higher chances that they would discourage other potential customers from joining your business.
Customers who rate your service/product with a 7 or 8 to the NPS question are called passives. Passive customers are unlikely to damage your company’s reputation. However, they are also not likely to recommend you to others. It can be said that passives are very close to becoming promoters. A good customer experience strategy would target to convert passive customers into promoters.
Net promoter score can be calculated by subtracting the percentage of the detractors from the percentage of promoters. At Gramener, we build world-class NPS Analytics solutions for you to convert your passives into promoters and improve the overall customer satisfaction score.
The most common NPS question is “on a scale of 0 to 10 how likely are you to recommend our product/service to another friend.”

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