Gramener Helps Evergreen Mitigate
Climate Change in Canada


Canadian cities are facing climate-related challenges like the urban heat island effect (UHI) that need to be urgently mitigated. Evergreen Canada in collaboration with Microsoft wanted to address this issue.


Gramener built an AI-driven data visualization tool that analyzes key datasets like NASA LandSat Imagery, Microsoft’s Building Footprints and infrastructure data


The AI-powered tool creates an integrated view that shows municipal stakeholders which areas of the city are most impacted by UHI and project future UHI levels

About the customer

Evergreen is a prominent non-profit organization dedicated to fostering environmental sustainability and community engagement by making cities more livable, green and prosperous.

With a mission to inspire action and promote sustainable living, Evergreen has been at the forefront of numerous initiatives that aim to create healthier, more vibrant urban and natural environments.

It works with community builders across sectors to solve some of the most pressing issues cities face – climate change, housing affordability, and access to nature and public spaces.

A 2-minute summary of the project


Temperatures in certain urban areas in Canadian cities are higher than surrounding areas.

These Urban Heat Islands lead to effects like heat-related ailments and increased energy consumption.

Identifying these “hotspots” and tracking them is a difficult process as it requires a combination of data and analysis.


Gramener factored in datasets like satellite imagery, building footprints, infrastructure, and weather and integrated them. The AI-powered analysis and visualization tool, built on the Microsoft Azure Stack, offers several capabilities, including:

  • Story Mode, which allows users to see data insights as easily consumable stories
  • Granular View allows users to get the rooftop temperature of every building in the city
  • Scenario Modeling View allows users to simulate a view of the future by modifying various features or climate variables


Municipality stakeholders in The City of Calgary are able to analyze and plan effective climate interventions and take corrective actions at a micro-level.
The solution helps in creating a resilient city by allowing the stakeholders to actively monitor urban heat islands
The solution is scalable and can be rolled out to different geographies across Canada.

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