PPTXHandler generates PPTX

New in v1.23. PPTXHandler creates PPTX files using a configuration and an existing PPTX as a template. The result is a new PPTX that the user can download.

Here is an example of a simple text substitution:

    pattern: /$YAMLURL/ppt
    handler: PPTXHandler
      only: 1
      source: $YAMLPATH/input.pptx # Input file to load
      change-text: # First rule is called change-text
        Title 1: #   Find all shapes named "Title 1" in all slide number 1
          text: Generated by Gramex #   Replace their text
        Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=output.pptx

Note: all examples use specific slides from examples-input.pptx

The rules are based on the PPTGen API which is described below.


PPTGen lets you modify the contents of a PowerPoint presentation based on data. For example, you can:

It is a command line utility and a Python function packaged with Gramex. It forms the basis of PPTXHandler.

PPTGen Library

The PPTGen library accepts a configuration as its argument. For example:

from gramex.pptgen import pptgen
  source='input.pptx',      # optional path to source. Defaults to blank PPT with 1 slide
  target='output.pptx',     # optional target. Otherwise, returns the pptx.Presentation()
  change={                  # Configurations are same as when loading from the YAML file
    'Title 1': {            # Take the shape named "Title 1"
      'text' 'New Title'    # Replace its text with "New Title"

Here is another example that changes a bar chart based on data:

import pandas as pd
from gramex.pptgen import pptgen

data = {'chart_data': pd.read_csv('data.csv')}
    'Bar Chart Shape Name': {
      'chart': {
        'data': data['chart_data'],
        'x': 'Category',
        'size': 'PreY',
        'color': {
          'function': "{'CurY': '#D73027', 'PreY': '#1A9850', 'PPresY': '#FFFFBF', 'Size': '#cccccc'}"

PPTGen Configuration

The configuration accepts the following top-level keys:


PPTGen can change presentations with data from various sources. It uses gramex.data.filter. It supports these keys:


  cities: { url: cities.csv } # Load cities.csv into "cities" key
  sales: { url: sales.xlsx, sheet: Sheet1 } # Load Sheet1 from sales.xslx into "sales" key
  tweets: { url: tweets.json } # Load JSON data into "tweets" key
  sample: { url: mysql://server/db, table: sample } # Load sample data from MySQL
    url: cities.csv # Load cities.csv
    args: # Filter results
      Country: [Egypt, Sudan] # WHERE column Country is Egypt or Sudan
      Population>: 100000 # AND column Population is 100,000+


The configuration can define any number of rules. Rules have:

In the example below, there is 1 rule called change. It does no slide selector, so it applies to all slides. It has 1 shape: Title 1 with 1 command: text:

source: input.pptx # optional path to source. Default to blank PPT with 1 slide
target: output.pptx # required path to save output as
  Title 1: # Take the shape named "Title 1"
    text: New Title # Replace its text with "New Title"

Run example


By default, changes are applied to all slides. To restrict changes to a specific slide, use:

  1. slide-number slide number or list (with the first slide as slide 1).
  2. slide-title is a regular expression that matches the slide title.
source: input.pptx
target: output.pptx
rule-1:                 # rule-1 applies to all slides
  slide-number: 1       # rule-2 applies only to the first slide of the source
  slide-title: Hello    # rule-3 applies to slides with the title "Hello" (regex)

To create multiple slides from data, add data: to the change. For example:

  sales: { url: $YAMLPATH/sales.csv }
  data: data['sales'].groupby('Category')
  replicate: True
  sales-text: # Take the shape named "sales-text"
    data: data[0]
    text: "Region {{ Category }} has sales of {{ Sales }}"

Run example

This data: is an expression using the root data: variables. It can be used with

Slide numbers always refers to the source slide number, not the target slide number. Even if a slide is duplicated in the target, source slide numbers do not change.


In PowerPoint, all shapes have names. To see shape names, select Home tab > Drawing group > Arrange drop-down > Selection pane. Or press ALT + F10.

Selection pane

To change the shape names, double-click on the name in the selection pane.

You can specify changes to one or more shapes in a rule. For example:

  Title 1: # Shape name "Title 1" will be updated by text "New title"
    text: New title
    style: # Text color will be `red`(accepts only hex color code in 6 digit)
      color: "#ff0000"
  Text 1: # Shape name "Text 1" will be updated by text "New text"
    text: New text
    style: # Text color will be `green`(accepts only hex color code in 6 digit)
      color: "#00ff00"
      bold: True # Text will appear in bold

… changes 2 shapes named Title 1 and Text 1.

Run example

Shape names may refer to native elements or groups.


Shape names may refer to groups. To change groups’ contents, use a nested configuration. For example, if “Group 1” has “Caption” and “Picture” inside it, this config-group.yaml replaces those:

source: input.pptx
target: output.pptx
  Group 1: # Take the shape named "Group 1"
    Caption: # Find the shape named "Caption" inside it
      text: New caption #   Change its text to "New caption"
    Picture: # Find the shape named "Picture" inside it
      image: $YAMLPATH/sample.png #   Replace the image with sample.png

Run example

PPTX URL arguments

URL arguments can be used as variables in templates.

In the example below, group-args-example?text=My-Text, will replace text with My-Text

Caption: # Find the shape named "Caption" inside it
  text: "{{ args['text'] }}" #   Change its text to ?text=
Picture: # Find the shape named "Picture" inside it
  image: $YAMLPATH/{{ args.get('image', 'sample') }}.png # Replace image with ?image= or sample.png

Run example


Shapes can be changed using 1 or more commands. These commands can change the shape’s style and content, or add new content (like charts).

Register: Register a new command to PPTGen

Register let you create a custom command. It accepts a function which will accepts three parameters, shape, spec(configuration for a shape, config under the shape name), data in same order. It will not accept any other parameter except these 3. Any existing command can not be overwrite. Return an immutable command list.

source: input.pptx
target: output.pptx
  load_data: { url: data.csv }
  custom_command1: view.custom_command1 # Registering a new command as `custom_command1.`
  custom_command2: view.custom_command2 # Registering a new command as `custom_command2.`
    function: view.custom_command3 # Registering a new command as `custom_command3.`

custom-config: # Rule
  Shape Name 1: # Shape Name
    custom_command: ....    Configuration
  Shape Name 2:
    custom_command2: ....    Configuration
  Shape Name 3:
    custom_command3: ....    Configuration


The following CSS-like commands change the shape’s display attributes:


Rectangle 1: # Take the shape named "Rectangle 1"
    data: data['sales']
      opacity: 0.5
      color: "#ff0000"
      fill: "#ffff00"
      stroke: "#ffff00"
      width: 200
      height: 200
      left: 50
      top: 100

Run example

CSS colors can be specified in the same way they can in CSS. 1 point is 1/72 inches. All style elements and data will accept python expression or python function.

Values support expressions.


To change the title on the input slide to “New title”, use this configuration:

      Title 1:                # Take the shape named "Title 1"
        style:                # CSS like properties only for text
          color: '#ff00000'   # Text color will be red
          font-size: 12       # Setting font-size
        text: New Title       # Replace its text with "New Title"

Run example

text: values support templates. Also supports style css like properties for text under shapename.style section. All style sub-elements accepts python functions also. text: supports xml objects in input text(which suppose to get replaced with) to have a css properties for a word in a sentence or phrase. e.g.-

      Title 1:                # Take the shape named "Title 1"
        style:                # CSS like properties only for text
          color: '#ff00000'   # Text color will be red
          font-size: 12       # Setting font-size
        text: "New Title <text color="#00ff00" bold="True"> Colored Bold Text </text>"

Run example

In above example shape with name Title 1 will get replaced by New Title in green color and Colored Bold Text will be bold in red color. It accepts only text tag in xml input. Input xml template can have multiple text tag.


To substitute text instead of replacing the full text, use:

Title 1: # Take the shape named "Title 1"
    color: "#ff0000" # All new replaced text will have red color
    font-size: 12 # All new replaced text will have font-size 12
      color: "#00ff00" # Overwriting common css for text `Old` that is being replaced with `New`
  replace: # Replace these keywords
    "Old": "New" #   Old -> New
    "Title": "Heading" #   Title -> Heading

Run example

Replacement only works for words that have the same formatting. For example, in somewhere, “where” is underlined. You cannot replace “somewhere”. But you can replace “some” and “where” independently. It also supports css like properties under shapename.style. All style elements accepts python functions as well.

replace: values support templates.


To change the picture on an image, use:

Picture 1: # Take the shape named "Picture 1"
  image: $YAMLPATH/sample.png # Replace the image with sample.png

image: values support template, and can be a URL or file path.

Run example


Modifies existing tables. It accepts these keys:


  Category: {} # Not overwriting common css styles but Category column will be shown in table
  Sales: # Defining style for Sales column
    gradient: Greens
    font-size: 14
  Profit: # Defining style for Profit column
    font-family: Georgia


source: example-input.pptx
  table_data: { url: $YAMLPATH/sales.csv }
  Table 1: # Shape Name
      data: data['table_data']
      style: # Common CSS for all the cells
        font-size: 14
        text-align: center
        italic: True
        underline: True
        Sales: # Common CSS will get over-write for Sales column
          gradient: Reds
          gradient: Greens
          gradient: Blues
        Category: # Common CSS will get over-write for GrossProfit column
          bold: False
          underline: False
          italic: False

Run example


To create multiple shapes using data, use replicate: and data:. For example:

  replicate_data: { ext: json, url: $YAMLPATH/tweets.json }
multiple-objects: # Rule
  # Slide 1 will get replicated for all Categories (that is unique groups from groupby below),
  # if slide-number is defined else all slides will get replicated.
  data: data['replicate_data']
  replicate: True # Entire rule will replicate for defined slides
  TextBox 1:
    text: "Tweet id is- {{id_str}}, Username:- {{ user['name'] }}"

Run example


Replicate a shape multiple times based on data vertically or horizontally. For example:

  sales: { url: $YAMLPATH/sales.csv }
multiple-objects: # Rule
  TextBox 1: # Take the "TextBox 1" shape
    data: data['sales'].to_dict(orient='records')
    stack: vertical # Lay the images out horizontally to the right
      0.10 # Should be between 0-1. Default 0.15(15%)
      # Percentage of margin from shape's height if stack is `vertical` else width.
    text: "{{ Category }}: {{ Sales }}" # Change the text using this template

Run example

This data: is an expression using the root data: variables. For each row in data, the shape is duplicated and laid out based on replicate:.

stack: supports these layouts:


For commands that support templates, values inside {{ ... }} are evaluated as Python expressions in the context of data.

For example:

  tweets: { ext: json, url: $YAMLPATH/tweets.json }
  Title 1:
    text: "Tweet from @{{ tweets[0]['user']['screen_name'] }}"

Run example

… will replace the contents inside {{ ... }} with the value of tweets[0]['user']['screen_name'] evaluated in Python. The variable tweets is the result of loading tweets.json.


For commands that support expressions, values are evaluated as Python expressions in the context of data. For example:

  tweets: tweets.json
  slide: 1
  data: sales.groupby('city') # replicates slide 1 for every item in sales.groupby('city')

Deprecated commands


Edits the data inside native pptx charts. combo pptx charts are not supported. chart accepts following attributes:-

Note:- All attributes also accepts python expression or custom function. Such as:-

        function: module.functionname
        function: module.functionname

data: Pass data to chart.

usecols: list type. If defined, only the columns mentioned in the list will pass through as data to the charts .Accepts function: python expressions or a list of column names.

x: Define x-axis column name from data.

size: This is applicable only for Bubble Charts. Column name from data for bubble size.

color: Accepts a dictionary (or raw value as well in this case same color code will be get apply for all series) for the series that are being added to the charts. Also provide row level data access to the series using lambda function. E.g.:-

        function: module.color_function
      # --------- If chart type is not a PIE or DONUT -----------------
      # In this case you will not have row level access. `color_function` must return a dictionary with keys of series name along with color code value.
      # --------- If chart type is PIE or DONUT -----------------
      # `color_function` must return a dictionary with keys `x-axis` columns unique value along with color code value.

    # Case 2
        function: "lambda x: module.color_function"
      # In this case you will have row level data access. `color_function` will have 3 input parameters

      # --------- If chart type is not a PIE or DONUT -----------------
      # `handler`, `name` and `row`. `name`(series name - x axis value name for that point), `row` dictionary of row for that point includes all the columns as key, value pair.
      # --------- If chart type is not a PIE or DONUT -----------------
      # `handler`, `name` and `row`. `name`(series name), `row` dictionary of row for that point includes all the columns as key, value pair.
      # In this case `color_function` function must return a hex color code, not a dictionary.

stroke: Same configuration like color.

opacity: Same configuration like color.

Native charts

To modify the data and attributes for an existing native chart, use chart:. This supports the following chart types:

Here are examples that assume the following configuration:

source: input.pptx # This must already have the relevant chart
target: output.pptx
data: # This dictionary is available to all charts as "data"
  sales: { url: sales.csv } # The examples assume a dataset called "sales"

Here are examples for various charts:

edit-charts: # Rule name
  Bar Chart Name:
      data: data['sales'][['Category', 'Sales', 'Profit', 'Growth']]
      x: Category
      color: # Define colors
        Sales: "#D73027" # Specify color of sales line in 6-digit hex
        Profit: "#1A9850" # Specify color of profit line
        Growth: "#cccccc" # Specify color of profit line

Run example

Column Chart Name:
    data: data['sales'][['Category', 'Sales', 'Profit', 'Growth']]
    x: Category
    color: # Define colors
      Sales: "#D73027" # Specify color of sales line in 6-digit hex
      Profit: "#1A9850" # Specify color of profit line
      Growth: "#cccccc" # Specify color of profit line

Run example

Line Chart Name:
    data: data['sales'][['Category', 'Sales', 'Profit', 'Growth']]
    x: Category
    color: # Define colors
      Sales: "#D73027" # Specify color of sales line in 6-digit hex
      Profit: "#1A9850" # Specify color of profit line
      Growth: "#cccccc" # Specify color of profit line

Run example

Area Chart Name: # Name of the chart shape. Case sensitive
    data: data['sales'][['Category', 'Sales', 'Profit', 'Growth']] # Use sales data
    x: Category # The x-axis is the Category column. Other columns are Y-axis values
    color: # Define colors
      Sales: "#D73027" # Specify color of sales line in 6-digit hex
      Profit: "#1A9850" # Specify color of profit line
      Growth: "#cccccc" # Specify color of profit line
    opacity: 0.50 # Constant opacity for all lines

Run example

Scatter Chart Name:
    data: data['sales'][['Category', 'Sales', 'Profit', 'Growth']]
    x: Category
    color: # Define colors
      Sales: "#D73027" # Specify color of sales line in 6-digit hex
      Profit: "#1A9850" # Specify color of profit line
      Growth: "#cccccc" # Specify color of profit line

Run example

Bubble Chart Name:
    data: data['sales'][['Category', 'Sales', 'Profit', 'Growth']]
    x: Category
    size: Growth # Optional: Column name from data for the size of the bubbles, if not defined default size will be 1
    color: # Define colors
      Sales: "#D73027" # Specify color of sales line in 6-digit hex
      Profit: "#1A9850" # Specify color of profit line
      Growth: "#cccccc" # Specify color of profit line

Run example

Bubble Chart Name 3D:
    data: data['sales'][['Category', 'Sales', 'Profit', 'Growth']]
    x: Category
    size: Growth # Optional: Column name from data for the size of the bubbles, if not defined default size will be 1
    color: # Define colors
      Sales: "#D73027" # Specify color of sales line in 6-digit hex
      Profit: "#1A9850" # Specify color of profit line
      Growth: "#cccccc" # Specify color of profit line

Run example

Radar Chart Name:
    data: data['sales'][['Category', 'Sales', 'Profit', 'Growth']]
    x: Category
    color: # Define colors
      Sales: "#D73027" # Specify color of sales line in 6-digit hex
      Profit: "#1A9850" # Specify color of profit line
      Growth: "#cccccc" # Specify color of profit line

Run example

Donut Chart Name:
    data: data['sales'][['Category', 'Sales']]
    x: Category
  color: # Define colors
    FMCG: "#64A73B"
    Media: "#71685C"
    Banking: "#EB5605"
    Government: "#B9CA1A"
    Pharmaceutical: "#CCDDEA"

Run example

Pie Chart Name:
    data: data['sales'][['Category', 'Sales']]
    x: Category
    color: # Define colors
      FMCG: "#64A73B"
      Media: "#71685C"
      Banking: "#EB5605"
      Government: "#B9CA1A"
      Pharmaceutical: "#CCDDEA"

Run example

The following keys can also be specified as an expression and python functions: data:, x:, color:, opacity:, size:.

For example, this example sets the opacity of columns named “dummy” as 0.2, and other columns as 1.0.

  function: '{col: 0.2 if "dummy" in col else 1.0 for col in data.columns}'

Custom charts

pptgen lets you create these custom charts:

To create these, add a rectangle shape (no other shape is allowed) in your slide. When a custom chart is applied on that rectangle, it replaces the rectangle with the chart.



  sales: { url: $YAMLPATH/sales.csv }
  Bullet Rectangle:
      data: data['sales']['Sales'].ix[0]
      poor: 0
      good: 30
      target: 100
      average: 60
      orient: horizontal
      gradient: "Oranges"
        function: "lambda v: '%.1f' % v"
        font-size: 10 # Common css for all items(data, target, poor, good and average)
        color: "#ff0000"
        data: # Overwriting CSS for data
          font-size: 12
          fill: "#ff00ff"
        target: # Overwriting CSS for target
          text: False # Overwriting text for text. Text will not be shown
          font-size: 12
          color: "#cccccc"

Run example

The following keys can also be specified as an expression and python functions: data:, target:, poor:, good:, average:, gradient, text along will all style properties such as under style section font-size, opacity, fill, color etc.



      url: $YAMLPATH/calendarmap.csv,
      parse_dates: ["date_time"],
      encoding: "utf-8",
  Calendar Rectangle:
        function: data['calendar'].sort_values(by=['date_time']).set_index('date_time')['random_column']
      width: 35
      weekstart: 6
      label_top: 40
      label_left: 40
      text-color: "#000000"
      startdate: data.index[0]

The following keys can also be specified as an expression and python functions: data:, startdate:, lo:, hi:, weekstart: and subelements of style section.



  heatgrid: { url: $YAMLPATH/heatgrid.csv }
  Heatgrid Rectangle:
      data: data['heatgrid']
      row: name
      column: hour
      value: value
      text: True
      left-margin: 0.20
      cell-width: 30
      cell-height: 30
      na-text: NA
      na-color: "#cccccc"
        # padding: 10        # Setting padding 10px(left, right, top, bottom)
        # ------ OR --------
        # padding:
        #    left:           # Setting left padding from a function
        #      function: module.function(handler, row, column, value)
        # ------ OR --------
        # padding:
        #    left:           # Setting left padding from a function
        #      function: module.function(handler, row, column, value)
        #    right: 10       # Defining right padding 10px

        gradient: RdYlGn
        font-size: 14
        margin: 10
        text-align: center

The following keys can also be specified as an expression and python functions: data:, row:, column:, value: and subelements of style section.



  sankey: { url: $YAMLPATH/sankey.csv }
  Sankey Rectangle:
      data: data['sankey']
      sort: True
        function: "lambda g: g.sum().apply(lambda v: 'Node %s' % (v.name,), axis=1)"
        function: "lambda g: -g['D'].sum() / g['E'].sum()"
        function: "lambda g: _color.gradient(g['D'].sum() / g['E'].sum() * 2 - 1, _color.RdYlGn)"
      groups: ["A", "B", "C"]

The following keys can also be specified as an expression and python functions: data:, size:, order:, text:, color.



  treemap: { url: $YAMLPATH/treemap.csv }
  Treemap Rectangle:
      data: data['treemap']
      keys: ["Family"]
      values: "{'screentime': 'sum'}"
        function: "lambda v: v['screentime']"
        function: "lambda v: v.sort_values(by=['screentime'], ascending=False)"
        function: "lambda v: _color.gradient(v['screentime'] / 50 - 3, _color.RdYlGn)"
        function: "lambda v: '{}'.format(v['Family'])"

Run example

The following keys can also be specified as an expression and python functions: data:, size:, keys:, values:, sort, color, text.

PPTGen Command Line

PPTGen uses a configuration to modify files. The configuration defines the source, target, data and any number of rules.

On the command line, it accepts a YAML file as input. For example, this text.yaml copies input.pptx to output.pptx and changes the title to “New Title”:

source: input.pptx # optional path to source. Default to blank PPT with 1 slide
target: output.pptx # required path to save output as
  Title 1: # Take the shape named "Title 1"
    text: New Title # Replace its text with "New Title"

This can be run as:

pptgen text.yaml

You can override parameters from the command line like this:

pptgen config.yaml --target new.pptx "--change.Title 1.text" "Updated title"